我有以下的relcopy插件但是当我用select2 v4运行它时第二行select2它没有激活(掉线不工作)
* jQuery-Plugin "relCopy"
* @version: 1.1.0, 25.02.2010
* @author: Andres Vidal
* code@andresvidal.com
* http://www.andresvidal.com
* Instructions: Call $(selector).relCopy(options) on an element with a jQuery type selector
* defined in the attribute "rel" tag. This defines the DOM element to copy.
* @example: $('a.copy').relCopy({limit: 5}); // <a href="example.com" class="copy" rel=".phone">Copy Phone</a>
* @param: string excludeSelector - A jQuery selector used to exclude an element and its children
* @param: integer limit - The number of allowed copies. Default: 0 is unlimited
* @param: string append - HTML to attach at the end of each copy. Default: remove link
* @param: string copyClass - A class to attach to each copy
* @param: boolean clearInputs - Option to clear each copies text input fields or textarea
(function($) {
$.fn.relCopy = function(options) {
var settings = jQuery.extend({
excludeSelector: ".exclude",
emptySelector: ".empty",
copyClass: "copy",
append: '',
clearInputs: true,
limit: 0 // 0 = unlimited
}, options);
settings.limit = parseInt(settings.limit);
// loop each element
this.each(function() {
// set click action
$(this).click(function() {
var rel = $(this).attr('rel'); // rel in jquery selector format
var counter = $(rel).length;
// stop limit
if (settings.limit != 0 && counter >= settings.limit) {
return false;
var master = $(rel + ":first");
var parent = $(master).parent();
var clone = $(master).clone(true).addClass(settings.copyClass + counter).append(settings.append);
//Remove Elements with excludeSelector
if (settings.excludeSelector) {
//Empty Elements with emptySelector
if (settings.emptySelector) {
// Increment Clone IDs
if ($(clone).attr('id')) {
var newid = $(clone).attr('id') + (counter + 1);
$(clone).attr('id', newid);
// Increment Clone Children IDs
$(clone).find('[id]').each(function() {
var newid = $(this).attr('id') + (counter + 1);
$(this).attr('id', newid);
//Clear Inputs/Textarea
if (settings.clearInputs) {
$(clone).find(':input').each(function() {
var type = $(this).attr('type');
switch (type)
case "button":
case "reset":
case "submit":
case "checkbox":
$(this).attr('checked', '');
$(parent).find(rel + ':last').after(clone);
return false;
}); // end click action
}); //end each loop
return this; // return to jQuery
select2 intiation code is
$(document).ready(function() {
width: "100%" /*,minimumInputLength: 3*/ ,
maximumInputLength: 3000000,
maximumSelectionLength: 30,
tokenSeparators: [",", " "]