html page
<button class="export-data btn btn-success" type="submit" >Export Data</button>
JavaScript file, client side
"click .export-data": function (event, template) {
var advertiserdatas = template.find("#exportId").value;
var nameFile = 'fileDownloaded.csv';
Meteor.call('download',advertiserdatas, function(err, fileContent) {
if (fileContent) {
var blob = new Blob([fileContent], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"});
saveAs(blob, nameFile);
Meteor methods server side
download: function(advertiserdatas) {
var collection = ActivationCodes.find({advertiserId:parseInt(advertiserdatas)}).fetch();
var heading = true; // Optional, defaults to true
var delimiter = ";" // Optional, defaults to ",";
return exportcsv.exportToCSV(collection, heading, delimiter);