
时间:2017-02-15 19:02:07

标签: python html excel

我正在尝试使用python'读取'html文档并将输出写入excel电子表格。 HTML文件是CU的表(成本单位,由所有大写字母定义)和描述。我想将CU列在一列中,将相应的描述放在另一列中。我有一个全局存储文本的一部分,直到它到达CU然后将文本放入正确的列但由于某种原因代码不会完成所有CU的列表,它不会将描述放在正确的位置(将它们放在一个从适用的CU下来的列。任何人都可以帮我弄清楚我做错了什么?到目前为止,这是我的代码:

from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
import xlwt
global wb
global ws
global cucounter
global textcounter
global tempcu
textstore = ""
cucounter = 0
textcounter = 0
wb = xlwt.Workbook()
ws = wb.add_sheet('A Test Sheet')
filename = 'C:\\Python27\\ArcGIS10.3\\Doc\\Page.html'
f = open(filename, "r").read()

class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):

    def handle_data(self, data):
        if data.isupper():
                  global cucounter
                  ws.write(cucounter, 1, data)
                  cucounter = cucounter + 1
             except UnicodeDecodeError:
        if data.isspace():
             global textstore
             textstore += str(data)
             if data.isupper():
                  global textstore
                  global textcounter
                  ws.write(textcounter, 2, textstore)
                  textcounter = textcounter + 1
                  textstore = ""
            except UnicodeDecodeError:

parser = MyHTMLParser()


页面C / ​​U描述: M-M

EULBPIT     Excavate, backfill & tamp auger pit or primary splice hole.  Qty "1" per occurrence.  4'X4'X5' pit. 
EULBCOMPWHEEL   Wheel Compaction - Tamping with wheel, where initial lift is rolled, trench filled & crowned and rolled again and where additional traffic is expected in location assists with tamping. 
EULBCOMP85STD   85% Std. Proctor Compaction - Trench where subsidence is unsettled and probable due to nature of area, needing compaction equipment w/ 12” lifts, use in parking lots, adjacent to roadways & front lot line URD. 
EULBCOMP85MOD   85% Modified Proctor Compaction - Trenches under hard surfaces of roadway, more rigid than std, requiring compaction equipment w/ maximum 12” lifts, minimum12” lift from cable, soil and moisture content critical, hand test required also. 
EULBCOMP95STD   95% Std. Proctor Compaction - Used by most local jurisdictions, close to, but more than, 85% but needing more moisture, 12” lifts should be used and hand test for adequate moisture. 
EULBCOMP95MOD   95% Modified Proctor Compaction - Trenches under hard surfaces of roadway, more rigid than std, requiring compaction equipment w/ maximum 12” lifts, minimum12” lift from cable, soil and moisture content critical, hand test required. 
EULBCOMP    Compaction Test 
EULBSHORE   Shoring, 5’ high, 2-sided per ft per day 
EULBTHAWU   Thaw master/UG work:  Specify "1" in install column only.  Includes install, remove, lighting, & setting (2) burners with propane tank. 
EULBJACKHAMMER  Jackhammer:  Specify per sq ft X 4" deep.  Install column only. 
EULBHANDIKRETE  Handikrete.  Install only-Specify "1" per cu ft (1-bag). 
EUCDJACK4STPIPE     Jack 4" galvanized steel pipe - includes pipe & coupling.  Set up and dismantle jacking equipment.    Specify "1" per ft. 
EUCDJACK5STPIPE     Jack 5" galvanized steel pipe - includes pipe & coupling.  Set up and dismantle jacking equipment.  Specify "1" per ft. 
EUCDJACK6STPIPE     Jack 6" galvanized steel pipe - includes pipe & coupling.  Set up and dismantle jacking equipment.  Specify "1" per ft. 
EUCDIN-OUTJACK  Setting up & dismantle jacking equipment.  Includes digging & filling of pits.  Specify "1" per occurrence in the install column only. 
EUCDCASE24  Jack 24" casing--Specify "1" per ft - does not include pipe. 
EULBYSNOW   Snow removal.  Install column only; specify “1” for every 2 man-hours. 
EULBCLEANADJUST     Clean or adjust switchgear. Install only; specify “1” per occurrence. 
EULBUGLC    Install or remove line covers. Specify # of covers and occurrences. 
EULBLOWRCBL     Lowering cable - specify per linear ft.  Install column only. 
EULBGROUNDCBL   Install, remove or test for ground on cable.  Specify “1” per occurrence. 
EULBMOVECBL     Place terminator on stand-off or energized bushing.  Specify “1” per occurrence. Install column only. 
EULBPHASE-U     Phase-in UG conductor.  Install only; specify “1” per occurrence. 
EULBTRANSRISER  Transfer riser cable. Specify # of cables; install only:  specify “1” per occurrence. 
EULBLOCATEFAULT     Find UG cable fault - Install column only; specify “1” per occurrence. 
EULBCBLIDTESTER     Identify cable with impulse phaser.  Specify “1” per occurrence 
EULBPIERCECBL   Ground pierce cable - Install column only.  Specify “1” per occurrence. 
EULBSWITCH  Switch URD 600 A PMH gear.  Specify “1” per occurrence. 
EULBSWOIL   Switch-open & close OCR & Leads. Specify “1” per occurrence. 
EULBPDLCK   Padlock open and close.  Specify “1” per occurrence. 
EULBCOVERHOLE   Plywood to cover construction hole.  Specify “1’ per occurrence. 
EULBSCRTYFENCNG     Remove/replace/install security fencing (orange) around splice pit.  Specify “1” per occurrence. 
EULBDRTPKUP     Dirt pick-up: Load & haul excess dirt on site, per cu yd. 
EULBDRTPKPD     Dirt pick-up: Load & haul excess dirt off site, per cu yd. 
EULBROADBASE    Road base, labor only to install; specify "1" per cu yd. 

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