WooCommerce自定义字段有时不保存到DB ...

时间:2017-02-15 10:56:01

标签: wordpress woocommerce


此外,我使用字段的选定值将次值保存到DB。即使数据库中的'custom_location'为空,也会正确保存辅助值。很明显,$ _POST ['custom_location']包含有效数据,但它没有保存...为什么?

// Here I create the custom select field
add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields' , 'custom_override_checkout_fields');
function custom_override_checkout_fields( $fields ) {
    // <select> options
    $args = array('post_type' => 'MY_CUSTOM_POST_TYPE',
                'posts_per_page' => -1,
                'order' => 'ASC',
                'post_status' => 'publish',
                'suppress_filters' => true);
    $locations = get_posts($args);
    $ops = array('default' => 'Select a location');
    foreach($locations as $l) {
        $ops[$l->ID] =  __($l->post_title, 'woocommerce' );
    // Add 'custom_location' field to 'shipping'
    $fields['shipping'] = array( 'custom_location' => array(
        'label'       => __('Location', 'woocommerce'),
        'placeholder' => _x('', 'empty', 'woocommerce'),
        'required'    => true,
        'clear'       => false,
        'type'        => 'select',
        'options'     => $ops
        + $fields['shipping'];

     return $fields;
// Save related data
add_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_update_order_meta', 'save_extra_data' );
function save_extra_data( $order_id ) {
    $loc = $_POST['custom_location'];

    // This was saved correctly to DB even when 'custom_location' is null in DB!
    $meta = get_post_meta($loc, 'extra-shipping-data', true);
    update_post_meta( $order_id, '_shipping_extra', $meta ); 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

如果客户的帐单和送货地址相同,您的位置将被保存为空。在您的代码中,缺少function process_stuff() { do_stuff; webcall(link, params, callback); } function callback(data){ do_stuff2; } function webcall(link, params, callback) { //httprequest...; //on success callback(response) } 的声明。稍作修改,您可以最大限度地减少代码和工作量。确保将locations替换为您的选项。
