public class Author implements Serializable {
private long authorCode;
private String authorNumber;
private String authorName;
//bi-directional many-to-one association to Title
private List<Title> titles;
//getter setters
public class AuthorPK implements Serializable {
private long authorCode;
private String authorNumber;
//getter equals() hashCode()
public class Title implements Serializable {
private long titleCode;
private long sequence;
private String titleDesc;
//bi-directional many-to-one association to Author
@JoinColumn(name="author_code", referencedColumnName="author_code"),
@JoinColumn(name="author_number", referencedColumnName="author_number")
private Author author;
//getters setters
public class TitlePK implements Serializable {
private long titleCode;
private long sequence;
//getter equals() hashcode()
我需要通过author_code链接这两个实体,但是JPA要求我在@JoinColumn中包含这两个ID ...它因为源表没有其他列而在我的应用程序上抛出错误。我还有另一种方式加入这些实体吗?