MediaPlayer mpOver = new MediaPlayer();
mpOver.create(Snake.this, R.raw.bump);
MediaPlayer mpOver = activity.getMpOver();
02-15 09:25:51.576 4163-4163 / com.example.android.snake E / AndroidRuntime:FATAL EXCEPTION:main 处理:com.example.android.snake,PID:4163 java.lang.NullPointerException:尝试调用虚方法' void android.media.MediaPlayer.start()'在null对象引用上 在com.example.android.snake.SnakeView.updateSnake(SnakeView.java:501) 在com.example.android.snake.SnakeView.update(SnakeView.java:427) 在com.example.android.snake.SnakeView $ RefreshHandler.handleMessage(SnakeView.java:131) 在android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) 在android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148) 在android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5417) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 在com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit $ MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:726) 在com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:616)
package com.example.android.snake;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.media.MediaPlayer;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
* SnakeView: implementation of a simple game of Snake
public class SnakeView extends TileView {
private static final String TAG = "SnakeView";
private Snake activity;
public void setActivity(Snake activity) {
this.activity = activity;
* Current mode of application: READY to run, RUNNING, or you have already
* lost. static final ints are used instead of an enum for performance
* reasons.
private int mMode = READY;
public static final int PAUSE = 0;
public static final int READY = 1;
public static final int RUNNING = 2;
public static final int LOSE = 3;
* Current direction the snake is headed.
private int mDirection = NORTH;
private int mNextDirection = NORTH;
private static final int NORTH = 1;
private static final int SOUTH = 2;
private static final int EAST = 3;
private static final int WEST = 4;
* Labels for the drawables that will be loaded into the TileView class
private static final int RED_STAR = 1;
private static final int YELLOW_STAR = 2;
private static final int GREEN_STAR = 3;
* mScore: used to track the number of apples captured mMoveDelay: number of
* milliseconds between snake movements. This will decrease as apples are
* captured.
private long mScore = 0;
private long mMoveDelay = 600;
* mLastMove: tracks the absolute time when the snake last moved, and is used
* to determine if a move should be made based on mMoveDelay.
private long mLastMove;
* mStatusText: text shows to the user in some run states
private TextView mStatusText;
* mSnakeTrail: a list of Coordinates that make up the snake's body
* mAppleList: the secret location of the juicy apples the snake craves.
private ArrayList<Coordinate> mSnakeTrail = new ArrayList<Coordinate>();
private ArrayList<Coordinate> mAppleList = new ArrayList<Coordinate>();
* Everyone needs a little randomness in their life
private static final Random RNG = new Random();
* Create a simple handler that we can use to cause animation to happen. We
* set ourselves as a target and we can use the sleep()
* function to cause an update/invalidate to occur at a later date.
private RefreshHandler mRedrawHandler = new RefreshHandler();
class RefreshHandler extends Handler {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
public void sleep(long delayMillis) {
sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(0), delayMillis);
* Constructs a SnakeView based on inflation from XML
* @param context
* @param attrs
public SnakeView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
public SnakeView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
super(context, attrs, defStyle);
private void initSnakeView() {
Resources r = this.getContext().getResources();
loadTile(RED_STAR, r.getDrawable(R.drawable.redstar));
loadTile(YELLOW_STAR, r.getDrawable(R.drawable.yellowstar));
loadTile(GREEN_STAR, r.getDrawable(R.drawable.greenstar));
private void initNewGame() {
// For now we're just going to load up a short default eastbound snake
// that's just turned north
mSnakeTrail.add(new Coordinate(7, 7));
mSnakeTrail.add(new Coordinate(6, 7));
mSnakeTrail.add(new Coordinate(5, 7));
mSnakeTrail.add(new Coordinate(4, 7));
mSnakeTrail.add(new Coordinate(3, 7));
mSnakeTrail.add(new Coordinate(2, 7));
mNextDirection = NORTH;
// Two apples to start with
mMoveDelay = 600;
mScore = 0;
* Given a ArrayList of coordinates, we need to flatten them into an array of
* ints before we can stuff them into a map for flattening and storage.
* @param cvec : a ArrayList of Coordinate objects
* @return : a simple array containing the x/y values of the coordinates
* as [x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3...]
private int[] coordArrayListToArray(ArrayList<Coordinate> cvec) {
int count = cvec.size();
int[] rawArray = new int[count * 2];
for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) {
Coordinate c = cvec.get(index);
rawArray[2 * index] = c.x;
rawArray[2 * index + 1] = c.y;
return rawArray;
* Save game state so that the user does not lose anything
* if the game process is killed while we are in the
* background.
* @return a Bundle with this view's state
public Bundle saveState() {
Bundle map = new Bundle();
map.putIntArray("mAppleList", coordArrayListToArray(mAppleList));
map.putInt("mDirection", Integer.valueOf(mDirection));
map.putInt("mNextDirection", Integer.valueOf(mNextDirection));
map.putLong("mMoveDelay", Long.valueOf(mMoveDelay));
map.putLong("mScore", Long.valueOf(mScore));
map.putIntArray("mSnakeTrail", coordArrayListToArray(mSnakeTrail));
return map;
* Given a flattened array of ordinate pairs, we reconstitute them into a
* ArrayList of Coordinate objects
* @param rawArray : [x1,y1,x2,y2,...]
* @return a ArrayList of Coordinates
private ArrayList<Coordinate> coordArrayToArrayList(int[] rawArray) {
ArrayList<Coordinate> coordArrayList = new ArrayList<Coordinate>();
int coordCount = rawArray.length;
for (int index = 0; index < coordCount; index += 2) {
Coordinate c = new Coordinate(rawArray[index], rawArray[index + 1]);
return coordArrayList;
* Restore game state if our process is being relaunched
* @param icicle a Bundle containing the game state
public void restoreState(Bundle icicle) {
mAppleList = coordArrayToArrayList(icicle.getIntArray("mAppleList"));
mDirection = icicle.getInt("mDirection");
mNextDirection = icicle.getInt("mNextDirection");
mMoveDelay = icicle.getLong("mMoveDelay");
mScore = icicle.getLong("mScore");
mSnakeTrail = coordArrayToArrayList(icicle.getIntArray("mSnakeTrail"));
* handles key events in the game. Update the direction our snake is traveling
* based on the DPAD. Ignore events that would cause the snake to immediately
* turn back on itself.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see android.view.View#onKeyDown(int, android.os.KeyEvent)
public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent msg) {
if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP) {
if (mMode == READY | mMode == LOSE) {
* At the beginning of the game, or the end of a previous one,
* we should start a new game.
return (true);
if (mMode == PAUSE) {
* If the game is merely paused, we should just continue where
* we left off.
return (true);
if (mDirection != SOUTH) {
mNextDirection = NORTH;
return (true);
if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN) {
if (mDirection != NORTH) {
mNextDirection = SOUTH;
return (true);
if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT) {
if (mDirection != EAST) {
mNextDirection = WEST;
return (true);
if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT) {
if (mDirection != WEST) {
mNextDirection = EAST;
return (true);
return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, msg);
* Sets the TextView that will be used to give information (such as "Game
* Over" to the user.
* @param newView
public void setTextView(TextView newView) {
mStatusText = newView;
* Updates the current mode of the application (RUNNING or PAUSED or the like)
* as well as sets the visibility of textview for notification
* @param newMode
public void setMode(int newMode) {
int oldMode = mMode;
mMode = newMode;
if (newMode == RUNNING & oldMode != RUNNING) {
Resources res = getContext().getResources();
CharSequence str = "";
if (newMode == PAUSE) {
str = res.getText(R.string.mode_pause);
if (newMode == READY) {
str = res.getText(R.string.mode_ready);
if (newMode == LOSE) {
str = res.getString(R.string.mode_lose_prefix) + mScore
+ res.getString(R.string.mode_lose_suffix);
* Selects a random location within the garden that is not currently covered
* by the snake. Currently _could_ go into an infinite loop if the snake
* currently fills the garden, but we'll leave discovery of this prize to a
* truly excellent snake-player.
private void addRandomApple() {
Coordinate newCoord = null;
boolean found = false;
while (!found) {
// Choose a new location for our apple
int newX = 1 + RNG.nextInt(mXTileCount - 2);
int newY = 1 + RNG.nextInt(mYTileCount - 2);
newCoord = new Coordinate(newX, newY);
// Make sure it's not already under the snake
boolean collision = false;
int snakelength = mSnakeTrail.size();
for (int index = 0; index < snakelength; index++) {
if (mSnakeTrail.get(index).equals(newCoord)) {
collision = true;
// if we're here and there's been no collision, then we have
// a good location for an apple. Otherwise, we'll circle back
// and try again
found = !collision;
if (newCoord == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Somehow ended up with a null newCoord!");
* Handles the basic update loop, checking to see if we are in the running
* state, determining if a move should be made, updating the snake's location.
public void update() {
if (mMode == RUNNING) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (now - mLastMove > mMoveDelay) {
mLastMove = now;
* Draws some walls.
private void updateWalls() {
for (int x = 0; x < mXTileCount; x++) {
setTile(GREEN_STAR, x, 0);
setTile(GREEN_STAR, x, mYTileCount - 1);
for (int y = 1; y < mYTileCount - 1; y++) {
setTile(GREEN_STAR, 0, y);
setTile(GREEN_STAR, mXTileCount - 1, y);
* Draws some apples.
private void updateApples() {
for (Coordinate c : mAppleList) {
setTile(YELLOW_STAR, c.x, c.y);
* Figure out which way the snake is going, see if he's run into anything (the
* walls, himself, or an apple). If he's not going to die, we then add to the
* front and subtract from the rear in order to simulate motion. If we want to
* grow him, we don't subtract from the rear.
private void updateSnake() {
boolean growSnake = false;
// grab the snake by the head
Coordinate head = mSnakeTrail.get(0);
Coordinate newHead = new Coordinate(1, 1);
mDirection = mNextDirection;
switch (mDirection) {
case EAST: {
newHead = new Coordinate(head.x + 1, head.y);
case WEST: {
newHead = new Coordinate(head.x - 1, head.y);
case NORTH: {
newHead = new Coordinate(head.x, head.y - 1);
case SOUTH: {
newHead = new Coordinate(head.x, head.y + 1);
// Collision detection
// For now we have a 1-square wall around the entire arena
if ((newHead.x < 1) || (newHead.y < 1) || (newHead.x > mXTileCount - 2)
|| (newHead.y > mYTileCount - 2)) {
MediaPlayer mpOver = activity.getMpOver();
// Look for collisions with itself
int snakelength = mSnakeTrail.size();
for (int snakeindex = 0; snakeindex < snakelength; snakeindex++) {
Coordinate c = mSnakeTrail.get(snakeindex);
if (c.equals(newHead)) {
// Look for apples
int applecount = mAppleList.size();
for (int appleindex = 0; appleindex < applecount; appleindex++) {
Coordinate c = mAppleList.get(appleindex);
if (c.equals(newHead)) {
mMoveDelay *= 0.9;
growSnake = true;
// push a new head onto the ArrayList and pull off the tail
mSnakeTrail.add(0, newHead);
// except if we want the snake to grow
if (!growSnake) {
mSnakeTrail.remove(mSnakeTrail.size() - 1);
int index = 0;
for (Coordinate c : mSnakeTrail) {
if (index == 0) {
setTile(YELLOW_STAR, c.x, c.y);
} else {
setTile(RED_STAR, c.x, c.y);
* Simple class containing two integer values and a comparison function.
* There's probably something I should use instead, but this was quick and
* easy to build.
private class Coordinate {
public int x;
public int y;
public Coordinate(int newX, int newY) {
x = newX;
y = newY;
public boolean equals(Coordinate other) {
if (x == other.x && y == other.y) {
return true;
return false;
public String toString() {
return "Coordinate: [" + x + "," + y + "]";
public class Snake extends Activity {
private SnakeView mSnakeView;
private static String ICICLE_KEY = "snake-view";
MediaPlayer mpOver;
public MediaPlayer getMpOver() {
return mpOver;
* Called when Activity is first created. Turns off the title bar, sets up
* the content views, and fires up the SnakeView.
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mpOver.create(Snake.this, R.raw.bump);
mSnakeView = (SnakeView) findViewById(R.id.snake);
mSnakeView.setTextView((TextView) findViewById(R.id.text));
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
// We were just launched -- set up a new game
} else {
// We are being restored
Bundle map = savedInstanceState.getBundle(ICICLE_KEY);
if (map != null) {
} else {
protected void onPause() {
// Pause the game along with the activity
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
//Store the game state
outState.putBundle(ICICLE_KEY, mSnakeView.saveState());
02-15 10:18:13.409 17511-17511 /?我/艺术:不迟到-Xcheck:jni(已经开启) 02-15 10:18:13.478 17511-17511 / com.example.android.snake W / System:ClassLoader引用未知路径:/data/app/com.example.android.snake-1/lib/x86 02-15 10:18:13.486 17511-17511 / com.example.android.snake I / InstantRun:即时运行运行时启动。 Android包是com.example.android.snake,真正的应用程序类是null。 02-15 10:18:13.671 17511-17511 / com.example.android.snake W / System:ClassLoader引用未知路径:/data/app/com.example.android.snake-1/lib/x86 02-15 10:18:13.787 17511-17511 / com.example.android.snake D / MediaPlayer:MediaPlayer中的setSubtitleAnchor 02-15 10:18:18.037 17511-17511 / com.example.android.snake D / gralloc_ranchu:gralloc_unregister_buffer:退出HostConnection(是缓冲区处理线程) 02-15 10:18:28.095 17511-17511 / com.example.android.snake E / MediaPlayer:在状态1中调用 02-15 10:18:28.095 17511-17511 / com.example.android.snake E / MediaPlayer:错误(-38,0) 02-15 10:18:28.096 17511-17511 / com.example.android.snake E / MediaPlayer:错误(-38,0)
我添加了 activity.startMpOver(); 它希望我将以下方法添加到Snake视图中。我添加了它,没有任何改变。所以我将mpOver.start()添加到方法中。仍然没有去。
public void startMpOver() {
02-15 11:11:56.049 23934-23934 / com.example.android.snake E / MediaPlayer:在状态1中调用 02-15 11:11:56.049 23934-23934 / com.example.android.snake E / MediaPlayer:错误(-38,0) 02-15 11:11:56.057 23934-23934 / com.example.android.snake E / MediaPlayer:错误(-38,0) 02-15 11:12:17.878 23934-23934 / com.example.android.snake E / MediaPlayer:在状态0中调用 02-15 11:12:43.165 23934-23934 / com.example.android.snake E / MediaPlayer:在状态0中调用 02-15 11:12:52.872 23934-23934 / com.example.android.snake E / MediaPlayer:在状态0中调用
答案 0 :(得分:0)
public class Snake extends Activity {
private SnakeView mSnakeView;
private static String ICICLE_KEY = "snake-view";
MediaPlayer mpOver;
boolean mpOverPrepared = false;
public MediaPlayer getMpOver() {
return mpOver;
* Called when Activity is first created. Turns off the title bar, sets up
* the content views, and fires up the SnakeView.
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mpOver = new MediaPlayer();
mpOver.setOnPreparedListener(new MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener() {
public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer) {
mpOverPrepared = true;
mpOver.create(Snake.this, R.raw.bump);
mSnakeView = (SnakeView) findViewById(R.id.snake);
mSnakeView.setTextView((TextView) findViewById(R.id.text));
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
// We were just launched -- set up a new game
} else {
// We are being restored
Bundle map = savedInstanceState.getBundle(ICICLE_KEY);
if (map != null) {
} else {
protected void onPause() {
// Pause the game along with the activity
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
//Store the game state
outState.putBundle(ICICLE_KEY, mSnakeView.saveState());
public void startMpOver() {
if(mpOverPrepared) {