Matlab - 随机森林分类器10倍交叉验证的准确性

时间:2017-02-13 16:33:17

标签: matlab classification random-forest cross-validation

我有一个包含4421个功能的20000个实例的数据集。由于科学原因(出版物),我需要从该数据集执行10倍交叉验证,作为使用随机森林和Matlab的分类器的个体和平均准确度。请问,你能告诉我必须从我的数据集中执行10 cv并获得分类准确度吗?


data = load ('HCTSA_N.mat');

% This makes sure we get the same results every time we run the code.
rng default

traindata = data.TS_DataMat;
trainlabels = {data.TimeSeries.Keywords};

% How many trees do you want in the forest? 
nTrees = 20;

% Train the TreeBagger (Decision Forest).
B = TreeBagger(nTrees,traindata,trainlabels, 'Method', 'classification'); 

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