在特定的行中,我们有数据,其中每个Cell都包含特定产品的详细信息,按Alt + Enter分隔。
例如: -
| Product | Range |A | B | C |D |description|....
1 | Apple | R 1 |A1| B1| C1|D1| Description1
2 | ball | R 1 |A1| B1| C1|D1| Description1
从上面的示例中,My Requirment将使用Say DLL的前缀复制描述详细信息:123456或LLM:654321并将其复制到下一行。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
APPLE A B C D E F G H 2460 APPLE:2460
6521 APPLE : 6521
4532 APPLE : 4532
3021 APPLE : 3021
1234 APPLE : 1234
BALL 6521 BALL:6521 4532球:4532 3021球:3021 1234 BALL:1234
= IF(ISBLANK(a2),LEFT(a1,(SEARCH(“:”,a1))&“”& l2),a2&“:”& l2)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Sub Example1()
Dim rowArray() As Variant, rowArrayCounter As Long
Dim myStringArray, itemThatIwant As String, rowItIsIn As Long
' The following code will find all instances of "LLM: 654321" in column "F"
' It places the row number of each one into an array called rowArray()
' and places the value of that item into a variable called itemThatIwant
' The "split" function assumes that you enttered each list into a single cell
' by using alt-enter to put them on individual lines within that cell. If so, then
' the split delimiter would be chr(10), as below. Otherwise it will probably be one space
' but you will need to find the correct delimiter for this to work.
rowArrayCounter = 1
ReDim rowArray(1 To 1)
With Worksheets(1).Range("F1:F250")
Set c = .Find("LLM: 654321", LookIn:=xlValues)' this text is what you change
If Not c Is Nothing Then
firstAddress = c.Address
myString = Split(c.Value, Chr(10)) ' split cell list into separate items
For i = LBound(myString) To UBound(myString)
If Left(myString(i), 11) = "LLM: 654321" Then
itemThatIwant = myString(i)
rowItIsIn = c.Row
ReDim Preserve rowArray(1 To rowArrayCounter)
rowArray(rowArrayCounter) = c.Row
' do your events with data
' the entire item (if found) is in the variable itemThatIwant
Exit For
End If
Next i
Set c = .FindNext(c)
Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress
End If
End With
End Sub