C#将指向struct(包含非blittable类型)的指针传递给非托管C ++ DLL

时间:2017-02-13 09:52:15

标签: c# pointers dll struct

我尝试在C#代码中使用C ++ DLL 必须将读取的所有数据作为指向结构的指针传递给dll。我的第一个想法是只保留一些非托管内存,将指针传递给函数并随后提取数据。问题是函数只返回一个错误代码,转换为“参数无效”。


typedef enum {
    BUS_COM1 = 0x01,  // 2 to 15 ommited
    BUS_COM16 = 0x10,
    BUS_USB1 = 0x101,  // 2 to 15 ommited
    BUS_USB16 = 0x110
} BusPortId;

typedef enum {
    BUS_SUCCESS    = 0,     //!< The operation was completed successfully
    BUS_ERROR      = 0x100,  //!< An error occured
    BUS_INVALIDARG = 0x1000, //!< An argument is not valid
} Result

struct BusPortInfo
    ULONG       portInfoSize;
    CHAR        portText[64];
    BOOL        portLocked;
    BusPortId   portId;

Result BUSDRV_API busGetAvailablePortCount( ULONG *retCount );

Result BUSDRV_API busGetAvailablePort( ULONG index, BusPortInfo *portInfo );


enum BusPortId
    BUS_COM1 = 0x01,  // 2 to 15 ommited
    BUS_COM16 = 0x10,
    BUS_USB1 = 0x101,  // 2 to 15 ommited
    BUS_USB16 = 0x110

public enum Result
    BUS_SUCCESS = 0,       //!< The operation was completed successfully
    BUS_ERROR = 0x100,  //!< An error occured
    BUS_INVALIDARG = 0x1000, //!< An argument is not valid

struct BusPortInfo
    public ULONG portInfoSize;
    unsafe public fixed char portText[64];
    public BOOL portLocked;
    public BusPortId portId;

unsafe static extern Result busGetAvailablePortCount(ULONG* retCount);
unsafe static extern Result busGetAvailablePort(ULONG index, BusPortInfo* portInfo);

ulong count= 0;
Result res = busGetAvailablePortCount(&count);

ulong index = 0;
BusPortInfo info = new BusPortInfo();
Result res = busGetAvailablePort(0, &info);


Cannot marshal 'parameter #2': Pointers cannot reference marshaled structures. Use ByRef instead.




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
    struct BusPortInfo {
        public int portInfoSize;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 64)]
        public string portText;
        public bool portLocked;
        public BusPortId portId;


[DllImport]声明需要正确声明第二个参数。 CallingConvention属性总是很重要,我们无法看到BUSDRV_API的含义。撑船:

    [DllImport(DLL_Path, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    static extern Result busGetAvailablePortCount(out int retCount );

    [DllImport(DLL_Path, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    static extern Result busGetAvailablePort(int index, 
                            [In, Out] ref BusPortInfo portInfo);


int count;
Result res = busGetAvailablePortCount(out count);
if (res != Result.BUS_SUCCESS) throw new Exception("Api failure " + res.ToString());

for (int ix = 0; ix < count; ++ix) {
    BusPortInfo info;
    info.portInfoSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BusPortInfo));   // Important!
    res = busGetAvailablePort(ix, ref info);
    if (res != Result.BUS_SUCCESS) throw new Exception("Api failure " + res.ToString());
    // etc...

当然没有经过测试,应该在球场。如果仍有问题,请验证本机代码中的sizeof(BusPortInfo)是否与C#中的Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BusPortInfo))的值匹配。如果全部失败则使用C ++ / CLI,这样您就可以直接使用本机声明。并与DLL的所有者讨论正确的使用说明,最好他会为你写一个pinvoke样本。