我需要将用户表单的结果插入标题中,但我不知道如何将我的代码合并到最终项目中: 下面的照片和代码 < / p>
我需要标题OK按钮 1 :根据我的标题代码格式化标题,具体取决于我想要的表格,在这种情况下名为金属的表格
2 即可。之后说“金属总结”_____“&lt ;-(土壤/沉积物......等取决于检查哪个方框)
第3 即可。将输入文本的内容插入用户表单文本框。 (尚未编写代码)。
最终结果。 =对于这个特殊的表格,标题是“土壤中的金属总结,美国100大街”
下面的代码将结果插入A1只是暂时的 Private Sub Cancel_Click() Me.Hide 结束子
Private Sub OK_Click()
'--- Insert the correct matrix Wording ---
If Check_Soil.Value = -1 Then
Range("A1").Value = "Soil"
ElseIf Check_Sediment.Value = -1 Then
Range("A1").Value = "Sediment"
ElseIf Check_Ground_Water.Value = -1 Then
Range("A1").Value = "Ground Water"
ElseIf Check_Surface_Water.Value = -1 Then
Range("A1").Value = "Surface Water"
End If
MsgBox "Completed", vbOKOnly
End Sub
Private Sub Check_Soil_Click()
'--- Checks if the Soil Button is Clicked ---
If Check_Soil.Value = True Then
Check_Surface_Water.Value = False
Check_Ground_Water.Value = False
Check_Sediment.Value = False
Check_Soil.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Check_Surface_Water_Click()
'--- Checks if the Surface Water Button is Clicked ---
If Check_Surface_Water.Value = True Then
Check_Soil.Value = False
Check_Ground_Water.Value = False
Check_Sediment.Value = False
Check_Surface_Water.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Check_Ground_Water_Click()
'--- Checks if the Ground Water Button is Clicked ---
If Check_Ground_Water.Value = True Then
Check_Surface_Water.Value = False
Check_Soil.Value = False
Check_Sediment.Value = False
Check_Ground_Water.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Check_Sediment_Click()
'--- Checks if the Sediment Button is Clicked ---
If Check_Sediment.Value = True Then
Check_Surface_Water.Value = False
Check_Soil.Value = False
Check_Ground_Water.Value = False
Check_Sediment.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
' Select_Correct_Sheet Macro
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Application.PrintCommunication = True
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Private Sub OK_Click()
Dim headerText As String
Select Case True
Case Check_Soil.value: headerText = "Soil"
Case Check_Sediment.value: headerText = "Sediment"
Case Check_Ground_Water.value: headerText = "Ground Water"
Case Check_Surface_Water.value: headerText = "Surface Water"
End Select
headerText = headerText & ", " & TextBox1.value ' <-- assuming this is the name of your textbox
FormatHeader headerText ' <-- now invoke the header formatting sub with parameter
MsgBox "Completed"
End Sub
Sub FormatHeader(text As String)
' ....
.LeftHeader = "&""Arial,Bold""Summary of Metals in " & text '<-- add the text parameter into header here
' ....
End Sub