fit <- ctree(Status~Amount.Converted + Campaign.Type + Region,
data = d_c)
> fit
Conditional inference tree with 10 terminal nodes
Response: Status
Inputs: Amount.Converted, Campaign.Type, Region
Number of observations: 5822
1) Region == {FR, IT, N. Africa, Rest of Africa, Turkey}; criterion = 1, statistic = 261.91
2) Amount.Converted <= 12486.57481; criterion = 1, statistic = 42.64
3) Region == {IT, N. Africa, Rest of Africa, Turkey}; criterion = 1, statistic = 50.451
4) Region == {N. Africa, Rest of Africa}; criterion = 0.99, statistic = 13.683
5)* weights = 66
4) Region == {IT, Turkey}
6)* weights = 843
3) Region == {FR}
7)* weights = 908
2) Amount.Converted > 12486.57481
8) Amount.Converted <= 39800; criterion = 0.998, statistic = 11.339
9)* weights = 9
8) Amount.Converted > 39800
10)* weights = 11
1) Region == {Benelux, cis, East EU, DE, SP, Mid. East, Nordics, UK}
11) Campaign.Type == {Rental}; criterion = 1, statistic = 49.144
12) Region == {Benelux, UK}; criterion = 1, statistic = 22.721
13)* weights = 25
12) Region == {DE, SP}
14)* weights = 37
11) Campaign.Type == {Retail}
15) Region == {Benelux, East EU, SP, Mid. East}; criterion = 1, statistic = 37.237
16) Amount.Converted <= 2734.76; criterion = 0.986, statistic = 8.023
17)* weights = 1179
16) Amount.Converted > 2734.76
18)* weights = 311
15) Region == {cis, DE, Nordics, UK}
19)* weights = 2433