Windows Batch是否有类似于BASIC"数据"声明?

时间:2017-02-11 22:34:46

标签: batch-file

批处理文件加载长数据列表的最简单方法是什么?现在我从一个单独的文本文件中加载我的文件,但我怀疑它比同一个文件中的数据要慢 - 即在程序代码的同时加载。有没有比我现在做的更好的方法来处理它,这就是:

for /f "usebackq delims=" %%g in (list.txt) do (if exist "%%g.jpg" del "%%g.jpg")

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



嗯 - 这太复杂了。显然,可以删除@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL SET "data=" FOR /f "usebackqdelims=" %%a IN ("%~f0") DO ( IF /i "%%a"=="[enddata]" SET "data=" IF DEFINED data ECHO execute command ON "%%a" IF /i "%%a"=="[data]" SET "data=Y" ) GOTO :EOF [data] some filename.jpg MORE data.jpg [enddata] 工具,但这允许灵活性(两个或多个数据部分,[data1] [data2]等,每个部分都有自己的数据末尾部分)


它更适合“固件”式数据 - 半永久性数据,如服务器列表 - 而非动态数据,但您付钱,您可以选择......

答案 1 :(得分:3)


@echo off

for %%g in (file1  file2  file3  "A long file name with spaces"
            fileN  fileM ) do (
   del "%%~g.jpg"

答案 2 :(得分:1)


 @echo off
 setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

 set str=file1.txt?^
 file 4.txt?^
 some other file.jpg?^
 and yet another file.mp3?

 for /F "delims=" %%s in (^"!str:?^=^
 %= Replace question with linefeeds =%
 !^") do (
   echo %%~s


file 4.txt
some other file.jpg
and yet another file.mp3
Press any key to continue . . .


Wally time is 0.78 Seconds
Squashman time is 0.78 Seconds
Magoo time is 0.78 Seconds
Wally time is 0.79 Seconds
Squashman time is 0.79 Seconds
Magoo time is 0.78 Seconds
Wally time is 0.78 Seconds
Squashman time is 0.78 Seconds
Magoo time is 0.78 Seconds
Wally time is 0.78 Seconds
Squashman time is 0.78 Seconds
Magoo time is 0.79 Seconds
Wally time is 0.78 Seconds
Squashman time is 0.62 Seconds
Magoo time is 0.78 Seconds
Wally time is 0.78 Seconds
Squashman time is 0.78 Seconds
Magoo time is 0.94 Seconds
Wally time is 0.79 Seconds
Squashman time is 0.78 Seconds
Magoo time is 0.78 Seconds
Wally time is 0.78 Seconds
Squashman time is 0.78 Seconds
Magoo time is 0.94 Seconds
Wally time is 0.79 Seconds
Squashman time is 0.78 Seconds
Magoo time is 0.78 Seconds
Wally time is 0.78 Seconds
Squashman time is 0.78 Seconds
Magoo time is 0.78 Seconds
Press any key to continue . . .