
时间:2017-02-10 15:50:35

标签: windows powershell windows-error-reporting

我正在开发一个PS脚本来生成大量Crystal Reports(Windows 7)的.xml表示。在这个脚本中,我创建了一个对象,表示需要解析的所有文件,然后循环遍历它们,逐个调用它们.exe。偶尔,这个.exe崩溃了。这很好,因为它非常罕见,可以手动标记和审核无法处理的报告。问题是我有数千个.rpt文件要处理,当.exe崩溃时,Windows弹出一个对话框,要求调试或继续。

enter image description here


  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Windows错误报告\ DebugApplications:我在此​​处输入我的exe名称并将值设置为0(不要调试)

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Windows错误报告\ DebugApplications:与上述相同

  • 将调用exe的循环设置为SilentlyContinue

  • 按如下方式关闭错误报告:控制面板>行动中心>更改操作中心设置>问题报告设置>更改所有用户的报告设置> "永远不检查解决方案" >好的>好的(这只会禁用" Windows可以在线查看..."对话框)

尽管如此,我还是获得了弹出窗口。还有另一个注册表项,它会禁用"程序已停止工作" UI完全,但我不想这样做,因为作为其他应用程序的开发人员,我需要知道什么时候崩溃。我只是想通过显示UI来排除这个脚本或它调用的exe。




[xml]$MainConfigFile = Get-Content "settings.config.xml"
[xml]$SSRSConfigFile = Get-Content "ssrs.config.xml"
[xml]$CrystalConfigFile = Get-Content "crystal.config.xml"

# create settings objects from xml objects
$MainSettings = @{
    OutputPath = $MainConfigFile.Settings.OutputPath
    SearchString = $MainConfigFile.Settings.SearchString
    ParseCrystal = $MainConfigFile.Settings.ParseCrystal
    ParseSSRS = $MainConfigFile.Settings.ParseSSRS

$CrystalSettings = @{
    InputFolderPath = $CrystalConfigFile.CrystalSettings.InputFolderPath
    ContinueOnError = $CrystalConfigFile.CrystalSettings.ContinueOnError

$RsSettings = @{
    ReportServerUri = $SSRSConfigFile.RsSettings.ReportServerUri
    RsVersion = $SSRSConfigFile.RsSettings.RsVersion


Write-Host "Ensure these settings are correct before you proceed:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host ""

Write-Host "Main Settings" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host ""

Write-Host "Crystal Settings" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host ""

Write-Host "SSRS Settings" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host ""

# user must confirm
[string]$SettingsOK=(Read-Host "[Y] to proceed, [N] to quit:")
if ($SettingsOK -ne "Y") {exit}

Write-Host ""
Write-Host "______________________________________"

# is the output path syntax valid?
if (!(Test-Path -Path $MainSettings.OutputPath -IsValid)) {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Output path syntax is invalid:" $MainSettings.OutputPath
    } else {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Output path syntax is correct:" $MainSettings.OutputPath

# does the output path exist?
if (!(Test-Path -Path $MainSettings.OutputPath)) {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Output path does not exist:" $MainSettings.OutputPath
    [string]$CreateOutputPathOK=(Read-Host "[Y] to create the directory, [N] to quit.")
        if ($CreateOutputPathOK -ne "Y") {exit} else {New-Item -Path $MainSettings.OutputPath -ItemType Directory}
    } else {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Output path already exists:" $MainSettings.OutputPath

Write-Host ""
Write-Host "______________________________________"

# get all .rpt files in the input folder, recursively
$CrystalFiles=Get-ChildItem -Path $CrystalSettings.InputFolderPath -Include "*.rpt" -Recurse

Write-Host ""
# count files first and ask the user if they want to see the output, otherwise proceed
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $CrystalFiles.Count ".rpt files were found in" $CrystalSettings.InputFolderPath
[string]$ShowFilesOK=(Read-Host "[Enter] to proceed, [Y] to view the list of files in the directory, [N] to quit.")
if ($ShowFilesOK -eq "Y") {
    # loop through the collection of files and display the file path of each one
    $CrystalFiles | ForEach-Object -Process {$_.FullName.TrimStart($CrystalSettings.InputFolderPath)}
    Write-Host "______________________________________"
    # user must confirm
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "The above .rpt files were found in" $CrystalSettings.InputFolderPath 
} elseif ($ShowFilesOK -eq "N") {exit}

Write-Host ""
[string]$ProcessingOK=(Read-Host "[Y] to proceed with .rpt file processing, [N] to quit:")
if ($ProcessingOK -ne "Y") {exit}

Write-Host ""
Write-Host "______________________________________"

# create a dir inside the output path to hold this run's output
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Creating folder to hold this run's output..."
$RunDir = (New-Item -Path $MainSettings.OutputPath -Name "$(Get-Date -f yyyy-mm-dd__hh_mm_ss)" -ItemType Directory)

# use .NET ArrayList because immutable PS arrays are very slow
$Success = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$Failure = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

#loop through the collection again, this time processing each file and dumping the output to the output dir
$CrystalFiles | ForEach-Object -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Process {
    $RelativePathName = $_.FullName.TrimStart($CrystalSettings.InputFolderPath)
    $XmlFileName = "$RunDir\$RelativePathName.xml"

    # force-create the file to ensure the parent folder exists, otherwise RptToXML will crash trying to write the file
    New-Item -Path $XmlFileName -Force
    # then simply delete the empty file
    Remove-Item -Path $XmlFileName

    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Processing file" $RelativePathName
    CMD /c .\RptToXML\RptToXml.exe $_.FullName $RunDir\$($_.FullName.TrimStart($CrystalSettings.InputFolderPath)).xml
    if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
        Write-Host "Success" $Success.Add($RelativePathName)} else {Write-Host "Failure" $Failure.Add($RelativePathName)}

$Success | Export-CSV "$RunDir\CrystalSuccess.txt"
$Failure | Export-CSV "$RunDir\CrystalFailure.txt"

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



# Disable WER temporarily
Set-ItemProperty "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" -Name DontShowUI -Value 1


# Reset the WER UI reg key
Set-ItemProperty "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" -Name DontShowUI -Value 0


  • 获取要修改的密钥的当前值
  • 更改它们
  • 调用将控件返回给调用者的脚本,即使它崩溃了
  • 将reg键恢复为原始值