我正在构建一个涉及相当复杂的表视图的辅助项目。我决定从Producthunt的应用程序中获取灵感,每个日期都有一个标题部分。 但是唉,这个简单的实现比我想象的要难一点。作为参考,我在下面附上照片,向您展示我正在尝试克隆的内容。这是来自PH的应用程序:
enum dateCases {
case today
case yesterday
case twoDaysAgo
case threeDaysAgo
case fourDaysAgo
case fiveDaysAgo
case lastWeek
case lastMonth
case lastYear
case janurary
case feburary
case march
case april
case may
case june
case july
case augest
case september
case october
case november
case december
struct dateCaseController {
var todayArray = [Objects]()
var yesterdayArray = [Objects]()
var twoDaysAgoArray = [Objects]()
var threeDaysAgoArray = [Objects]()
var fourDaysAgoArray = [Objects]()
var fiveDaysAgoArray = [Objects]()
var lastWeekArray = [Objects]()
var lastMonthArray = [Objects]()
var lastYearArray = [Objects]()
var januraryArray = [Objects]()
var feburaryArray = [Objects]()
var marchArray = [Objects]()
var aprilArray = [Objects]()
var mayArray = [Objects]()
var juneArray = [Objects]()
var julyArray = [Objects]()
var augestArray = [Objects]()
var septemberArray = [Objects]()
var octoberArray = [Objects]()
var novemberArray = [Objects]()
var decemberArray = [Objects]()
func anilyzeDateForDateCase(){
for object in objects {
let dateValue = (Logic for counting how many days has passed)
switch dateValue {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
答案 0 :(得分:3)
import Foundation
// Define a `struct` that describes a date range.
// You may want to have convenience inits that don't just specify "days ago".
// You will create an array of these later...
struct DateRange {
var latestDaysAgo: Int
var earliestDaysAgo: Int
var description: String
// The important piece of this is that we can check if any given date
// is in `self` - we will use this later to `filter` by DateRange
func isDateInRange(_ date: Date) -> Bool {
let now = Date()
let oneDayInSeconds = 86400.0 // 60 * 60 * 24
let earliestDate = now.addingTimeInterval(Double(-self.earliestDaysAgo) * oneDayInSeconds)
let latestDate = now.addingTimeInterval(Double(-self.latestDaysAgo) * oneDayInSeconds)
return (date > earliestDate) && (date <= latestDate)
// NB - you REALLY want to do this with `Calendar` arithmetic
// but for clarity of the method, I'm just using 24 hour time differences
// Now construct your ranges. These can be extended after testing.
// They can also be overlapping.
let ranges: [DateRange] = [
DateRange(latestDaysAgo: 0, earliestDaysAgo: 1, description: "Today"),
DateRange(latestDaysAgo: 1, earliestDaysAgo: 2, description: "Yesterday"),
DateRange(latestDaysAgo: 2, earliestDaysAgo: Int.max, description: "Earlier"),
// This is whatever event struct you need - but they include the date
struct Event {
var date: Date
var payload: String // or whatever struct you want
// Create some random test data
let events: [Event] = [
Event(date: Date().addingTimeInterval(-100), payload: "abc"),
Event(date: Date().addingTimeInterval(-1000), payload: "abc"),
Event(date: Date().addingTimeInterval(-100000), payload: "abc"),
Event(date: Date().addingTimeInterval(-1000000), payload: "abc"),
// Now, the clever piece is combining `flatMap` & `filter` to get your sections:
let sections: [(DateRange, [Event])] = ranges.flatMap({
(dr: DateRange) in
let qualifyingEvents = events.filter({ dr.isDateInRange($0.date) })
return (dr, qualifyingEvents)
// Note that the order of ranges in `sections` is the same as the
// order that you chose in `ranges`.
// Check the sections are correct.
for (dr, es) in sections {
print("'\(dr.description)' has \(es.count) entries")
/* Output:
'Today' has 2 entries
'Yesterday' has 1 entries
'Earlier' has 1 entries
override func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
return sections.count
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return sections[section].1.count
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, titleForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> String? {
return sections[section].0.description
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = UITableViewCell(style: .subtitle, reuseIdentifier: "MyCellID")
let payload = sections[indexPath.section].1[indexPath.row].payload
cell.textLabel?.text = payload // or whatever...
return cell