答案 0 :(得分:0)
<textarea name="editor"></textarea>
<div id="result">
<p>Put some text in the editor to see the preview.</p>
var editor = CKEDITOR.replace('editor', {
height: 100
editor.on('change', function () {
答案 1 :(得分:0)
带有div的HTML Textarea显示
<title>Text Editor (test)</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
updCont();//in case existing text
var ht = window.innerHeight - $("#dvInput").css("height").replace(/[^.0-9]/g, '') - 30;
if(ht<200) ht = 200;//display height minimum (may extend a bit below page)
$("#dvCont").css("height", ht + "px");
var curKey = e.which ? e.which : e.key;
if(e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey){
e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : (e.returnValue = false);
if(curKey == 56) fmt("bull");// *
else if(curKey == 190) fmt("indnt");// >
else if(curKey == 80) fmt("para");// P
else if(curKey == 65) fmt("href");// A
else if(curKey == 83) fmt("spn");// S
else if(curKey == 76) fmt("li");// L
else if(curKey == 85) fmt("ul");// U
else if(curKey == 79) fmt("ol");// O
}else if(e.ctrlKey){
e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : (e.returnValue = false);
if(curKey == 66) fmt("bld");// B
else if(curKey == 73) fmt("ital");// I
else if(curKey == 85) fmt("uLine");// U
else if(curKey == 13) fmt("crlf");// [enter]
// $("#inp").keydown(function(e){alert(e.which)})
function updCont(){
$("#dvCont").html($("#txtCont").val());//stuff the display div with textarea html text
function fmt(inAct){
//common needs
var oTxt = $("#txtCont");
var s = oTxt[0].selectionStart;
var e = oTxt[0].selectionEnd;
var raVal = [oTxt.val().substring(0, s), oTxt.val().substring(s, e), oTxt.val().substring(e), s, e];
var ofstStart = 0;
var ofstEnd = 0;
oTxt.val(raVal[0] + "<b>" + raVal[1] + "</b>" + raVal[2]);
//if you don't want text selected, add raVal[1].length to ofstStart
ofstStart = 3;
//uncomment to place cursor after closing tag (also unselect - set ofstStart to same point)
//ofstEnd = 4;
}else if(inAct=="ital"){
oTxt.val(raVal[0] + "<i>" + raVal[1] + "</i>" + raVal[2]);
ofstStart = 3;
//ofstEnd = 4;
}else if(inAct=="uLine"){
oTxt.val(raVal[0] + "<u>" + raVal[1] + "</u>" + raVal[2]);
ofstStart = 3;
//ofstEnd = 4;
}else if(inAct=="ul"){
oTxt.val(raVal[0] + "<ul>" + raVal[1] + "</ul>" + raVal[2]);
ofstStart = 4;
//ofstEnd = 5;
}else if(inAct=="ol"){
oTxt.val(raVal[0] + "<ol>" + raVal[1] + "</ol>" + raVal[2]);
ofstStart = 4;
//ofstEnd = 5;
}else if(inAct=="li"){
oTxt.val(raVal[0] + "<li style=''>" + raVal[1] + "</li>" + raVal[2]);
ofstStart = 13;
//ofstEnd = 5;
}else if(inAct=="indnt"){
oTxt.val(raVal[0] + "<div class='dnt'>" + raVal[1] + "</div>" + raVal[2]);
ofstStart = 17;
//ofstEnd = 5;
}else if(inAct=="bull"){
oTxt.val(raVal[0] + "<br /> • " + raVal[1] + raVal[2]);
ofstStart = 20;
}else if(inAct=="para"){
oTxt.val(raVal[0] + "<p>" + raVal[1] + "</p>" + raVal[2]);
ofstStart = 3;
//ofstEnd = 4;
}else if(inAct=="href"){
oTxt.val(raVal[0] + "<a href='' class='' title=''>" + raVal[1] + "</a>" + raVal[2]);
ofstStart = 29;
//ofstEnd = 4;
}else if(inAct=="spn"){
oTxt.val(raVal[0] + "<span class='' style=''>" + raVal[1] + "</span>" + raVal[2]);
ofstStart = 24;
//ofstEnd = 4;
}else if(inAct=="crlf"){
oTxt.val(raVal[0] + "<br />" + raVal[1] + raVal[2]);
ofstEnd = 5;
//put cursor at end of selected range (ignores start if no selected text)
oTxt[0].selectionStart = s + ofstStart;
oTxt[0].selectionEnd = s + ofstStart + raVal[1].length;
.styleBtn{width:20px;margin:2px 10px;border:1px solid black;background-color:#EEE;float:left;text-align:center;}
<div id="dvInput">
<div style="border:1px solid black;border-radius:5px;background-color:silver;font-weight:bold;padding:2px 5px;float:left;">
<div style="float:left;margin:2px 20px;">Text Input:</div>
<span onclick="fmt('bld');" title="CTRL+B: Bold selected text">
<div class="styleBtn"><b>B</b></div>
<span onclick="fmt('ital');" title="CTRL+I: Italicize selected text">
<div class="styleBtn"><i>I</i></div>
<span onclick="fmt('uLine');" title="CTRL+U: Underline selected text">
<div class="styleBtn"><u>U</u></div>
<span onclick="fmt('ul');" title="CTRL+Shift+U: List Group <ul> (unordered) around highlighted/selected text">
<div class="styleBtn" style="height:19px;font-size:5.5pt;">
<span onclick="fmt('ol');" title="CTRL+Shift+O: Ord List Group <ol> (ordered) around highlighted/selected text">
<div class="styleBtn" style="height:19px;font-size:5.5pt;padding-top:2px;">
<span onclick="fmt('li');" title="CTRL+Shift+L: List Item <li> around highlighted/selected text">
<div class="styleBtn" style="width:30px;"><•></div>
<span onclick="fmt('indnt');" title="CTRL+Shift+>: <div> Indent a selected block of text\n(No remove shortcut.\nManually delete <div></div> to undo/outdent)">
<div class="styleBtn">></div>
<span onclick="fmt('bull');" title="CTRL+Shift+*: Bullet (and new line)">
<div class="styleBtn">•</div>
<span onclick="fmt('para');" title="CTRL+Shift+P: Paragraph <p> around highlighted/selected text">
<div class="styleBtn">¶</div>
<span onclick="fmt('crlf');" title="CTRL+Enter: New Line <br>">
<div class="styleBtn">↲</div>
<span onclick="fmt('href');" title="CTRL+Shift+A: <a href>">
<div class="styleBtn" style="width:33px;"><a></div>
<span onclick="fmt('spn');" title="CTRL+Shift+S: <span>">
<div class="styleBtn" style="width:48px;"><spn></div>
<!-- <input id="inp" size="2">-enter char, get ascii number -->
<textarea id="txtCont" rows="10" style="width:100%;" name="myText"
>lorem ipsum dolor magnificum est labat et nobis pacem</textarea><br />
<div id="dvCont" style="border:1px solid black;border-radius:5px;overflow-y:auto;"></div>
有很多漂亮的插件。不知道为什么不推荐OP-似乎是完全合理的要求。这对于启用OP也可能会被否决。但是我需要一个textarea区域而不是一个WYSIWYG DOM元素,这样我才能对标记进行更直接的控制。