
时间:2017-02-07 13:07:11

标签: python r algorithm similarity cosine-similarity


enter image description here


from Levenshtein import ratio
name     =  ratio("Game of ThOnes Books for selling","Selling Game of Thrones books")
address  =  ratio("George Washington street","George Washington st.")
phone    =  ratio("555-55-55","0(555)-55-55")

total_ratio = name+address+phone
print total_ratio/3 #Average ratio


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我们可以计算行之间的距离矩阵,形成群集并选择群集成员     作为类似行的候选人。

使用R包中的stringdistmatrixstringdist函数可以实现距离计算     字符串输入。

stringdist支持的距离方法如下。见package manual     了解更多详情

#Method name;   Description
#osa    ; Optimal string aligment, (restricted Damerau-Levenshtein distance).
#lv ; Levenshtein distance (as in R's native adist).
#dl ; Full Damerau-Levenshtein distance.
#hamming    ; Hamming distance (a and b must have same nr of characters).
#lcs    ; Longest common substring distance.
#qgram  ;q-gram distance.
#cosine ; cosine distance between q-gram profiles
#jaccard    ; Jaccard distance between q-gram profiles
#jw ; Jaro, or Jaro-Winker distance.
#soundex    ; Distance based on soundex encoding (see below)



#have modified the data slightly to include dissimilar datapoints
Date = c("07-Jan-17","06-Feb-17","03-Mar-17")
name     =  c("Game of ThOnes Books for selling","Selling Game of Thrones books","Harry Potter BlueRay")
address  =  c("George Washington street","George Washington st.","Central Avenue")
phone    =  c("555-55-55","0(555)-55-55","111-222-333")
DF = data.frame(Date,name,address,phone,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

#       Date                             name                  address        phone
#1 07-Jan-17 Game of ThOnes Books for selling George Washington street    555-55-55
#2 06-Feb-17    Selling Game of Thrones books    George Washington st. 0(555)-55-55
#3 03-Mar-17             Harry Potter BlueRay           Central Avenue  111-222-333


rowLabels = sapply(DF[,"name"],function(x) paste0(head(unlist(strsplit(x," ")),2),collapse="_" ) )

#create string distance matrix, hierarchical cluter object and corresponding plot
nameDist = stringdistmatrix(DF[,"name"])
nameHC = hclust(nameDist)

plot(nameHC,labels = rowLabels ,main="HC plot : name")

enter image description here

addressDist = stringdistmatrix(DF[,"address"])
addressDistHC = hclust(addressDist)

plot(addressDistHC ,labels = rowLabels, main="HC plot : address")

enter image description here

phoneDist = stringdistmatrix(DF[,"phone"])
phoneHC = hclust(phoneDist)

plot(phoneHC ,labels = rowLabels, main="HC plot : phone" )

enter image description here



clusterDF = data.frame(sapply(DF[,-1],function(x) cutree(hclust(stringdistmatrix(x)),2) ))
clusterDF$rowSummary = rowSums(clusterDF)

#  name address phone rowSummary
#1    1       1     1          3
#2    1       1     1          3
#3    2       2     2          6

#row frequency

rowFreq  = table(clusterDF$rowSummary)
#3 6 
#2 1

#we filter rows with frequency > 1
similarRowValues  = as.numeric(names(which(rowFreq>1)))

DF[clusterDF$rowSummary == similarRowValues,]
#       Date                             name                  address        phone
#1 07-Jan-17 Game of ThOnes Books for selling George Washington street    555-55-55
#2 06-Feb-17    Selling Game of Thrones books    George Washington st. 0(555)-55-55
