我想从名为BirdEye的Third_party API中获取数据。我正在使用CURL的核心PHP内置函数来获取数据,它工作正常,现在当我切换到库时,我有点困惑,因为它没有给我任何响应作为回报。
我从这里下载了Curl Libray:Curl Library Download and Example
我试图创建一个演示只是为了检查我的图书馆是否正常工作,它有效。现在,如果我从Bird-Eye Api获取数据,我不知道它没有给我任何回应。 我的代码在这里:
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Welcome extends CI_Controller {
public function index()
// Setting URL To Fetch Data From
// To Temporarily Store Data Received From Server
$this->curl->option('buffersize', 10);
// To support Different Browsers
$this->curl->option('useragent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)');
// To Receive Data Returned From Server
$this->curl->option('returntransfer', 1);
// To follow The URL Provided For Website
$this->curl->option('followlocation', 1);
// To Retrieve Server Related Data
$this->curl->option('HEADER', true);
// To Set Time For Process Timeout
$this->curl->option('connecttimeout', 600);
// To Execute 'option' Array Into cURL Library & Store Returned Data Into $data
$data = $this->curl->execute();
// To Display Returned Data
echo '<pre>';
我不知道我哪里出错我将所有必需的参数传递给Api。 链接到Api文档是:Link to BirdEye Api Documentation
答案 0 :(得分:0)
$get_url ="https://api.birdeye.com/resources/v1/customer/all?businessId=147802929307762&api_key=YOURAPIKEY";
$result=$this->curl->simple_get($get_url, false, array(CURLOPT_USERAGENT => true, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => TRUE, CURLOPT_HEADER => FALSE, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array("Content-Type: application/json", "Accept: application/json")));
echo '<pre>'; print_r($result);