jQuery / AngularJS:点击保持不在AngularJS

时间:2017-02-05 19:06:36

标签: jquery html angularjs jquery-mobile

可能是我的代码看起来很愚蠢。由于我对AngularJS并不擅长,所以我愿意接受建议。 我想要隐藏图像框并获取图像的ID。

<div data-role="page" id="pageone">
    <div data-role="main" class="ui-content">
        <div class="my-gallery" itemscope id="grid"   >
            <div ng-repeat="imageUrl in images" class="col-xs-3">
                    <figure itemprop="associatedMedia">
                        <a href="{{imageUrl}}" name="thumb" id="{{pid[$index]}}" class="thumbnail" itemprop="contentUrl"  data-size="800x600">
                            <img src="" class="img-responsive" id="{{pid[$index]}}" ng-src="{{thumb[$index]}}" style="min-height:50px;height:50px;">
                    <p>Tap and hold me!</p>




<div data-role="page" id="pageone">
    <div data-role="main" class="ui-content">
        <p>If you tap and hold me for one second, I will disappear.</p>
        <p>Tap and hold me!</p>
        <p>Tap and hold me too!</p>




1 个答案:

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首先,您应该看一下这篇文章"Thinking in AngularJS" if I have a jQuery background?,它将帮助您了解使用AngularJS的重要内容。来自jQuery的大多数用户都不了解JavaScript及其异步行为的工作原理。由于简单的DOM操作,jQuery主要是同步执行的。它不是将jQueryAngularJS混合的好方法,因为jQuery操纵DOM。更重要的是 - &gt; 没有必要将jQuery与AngularJS混合使用。


请查看此Fiddle。它再现了你的问题。提示,我将taphold事件替换为click以使其在非移动设备上运行,但这无关紧要,绑定/问题是相同的。因此,您可以在p事件后单击删除document is ready完成的渲染。使用AngularJS呈现的p元素无法删除,因为jQuery数据绑定失败/在元素出现之前很久/或$scope已更改并且由于E2E数据绑定而被AngularJS重新呈现。


Example Fiddle使用longPress指令:


<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
  <div ng-repeat="image in images">
    <p ng-show="image.show" on-long-press="image.show = false">


var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);

myApp.controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', '$timeout', function ($scope, $timeout) {
     $scope.images = [{
        show: true,
        url: 'some/url.jpg'
        show: true,
        url: 'some/url.jpg'
        show: true,
        url: 'some/url.jpg'

// taken from https://github.com/puneethrai/angular-long-press/blob/master/dist/angular-long-press.js
myApp.directive('onLongPress', ['$parse', '$timeout', function ($parse, $timeout) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function ($scope, $elm, $attrs) {
            var timer;
            var timerDuration = (!isNaN($attrs.longPressDuration) && parseInt($attrs.longPressDuration)) || 600;
            // By default we prevent long press when user scrolls
            var preventLongPressOnScroll = ($attrs.preventOnscrolling ? $attrs.preventOnscrolling === 'true' : true)
            // Variable used to prevent long press while scrolling
            var touchStartY;
            var touchStartX;
            var MAX_DELTA = 15;
            // Bind touch, mouse and click event
            $elm.bind('touchstart', onEnter);
            $elm.bind('touchend', onExit);

            $elm.bind('mousedown', onEnter);
            $elm.bind('mouseup', onExit);

            $elm.bind('click', onClick);
            // For windows mobile browser
            $elm.bind('pointerdown', onEnter);
            $elm.bind('pointerup', onExit);
            if (preventLongPressOnScroll) {
                // Bind touchmove so that we prevent long press when user is scrolling
                $elm.bind('touchmove', onMove);

            function onEnter(evt) {
                var functionHandler = $parse($attrs.onLongPress);
                // For tracking scrolling
                if ((evt.originalEvent || evt).touches) {
                    touchStartY = (evt.originalEvent || evt).touches[0].screenY;
                    touchStartX = (evt.originalEvent || evt).touches[0].screenX;
                //Cancel existing timer
                //To handle click event properly
                $scope.longPressSent = false;
                // We'll set a timeout for 600 ms for a long press
                timer = $timeout(function () {
                    $scope.longPressSent = true;
                    // If the touchend event hasn't fired,
                    // apply the function given in on the element's on-long-press attribute
                    $scope.$apply(function () {
                        functionHandler($scope, {
                            $event: evt
                }, timerDuration);


            function onExit(evt) {
                var functionHandler = $parse($attrs.onTouchEnd);
                // Prevent the onLongPress event from firing
                // If there is an on-touch-end function attached to this element, apply it
                if ($attrs.onTouchEnd) {
                    $scope.$apply(function () {
                        functionHandler($scope, {
                            $event: evt


            function onClick(evt) {
                //If long press is handled then prevent click
                if ($scope.longPressSent && (!$attrs.preventClick || $attrs.preventClick === "true")) {


            function onMove(evt) {
                var yPosition = (evt.originalEvent || evt).touches[0].screenY;
                var xPosition = (evt.originalEvent || evt).touches[0].screenX;

                // If we scrolled, prevent long presses
                if (touchStartY !== undefined && touchStartX !== undefined &&
                    (Math.abs(yPosition - touchStartY) > MAX_DELTA) || Math.abs(xPosition - touchStartX) > MAX_DELTA) {
