以下示例尝试最小化。有一个data D1
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Data.List (intercalate)
data D1 = D1
{ f1 :: Int
, f2 :: String
, f3 :: Double
} deriving (Show, Eq)
class Show2 a where
show2 :: a -> String
instance Show2 D1 where
show2 d1 = "1: " ++ show (f1 d1) ++ " and 2: " ++ show (f3 d1)
tpl1 :: Name -> Q [Dec]
tpl1 nm =
instance Show2 $(conT nm) where
show2 d1 = "1: " ++ show (f1 d1) ++ " and 2: " ++ show (f3 d1)
tpl2 :: Name -> [Name] -> Q [Dec]
tpl2 nm fnms = do
-- let showName d n = show $(varE n) d -- stage restriction
-- let showGo1 d n = [| show $(showName n) d |] -- stage error
-- UPDATED based on a given hint:
let nmFs = return $ ListE (map VarE fnms) :: Q Exp -- compiles, but [Int, Double] is a problem
valF f d = AppE (VarE f) (VarE d) :: Exp
anmFs2 f d = return $ AppE (VarE 'GHC.Show.show) (valF f d ) :: Q Exp -- compiles and works with head
anmFs3 d f = AppE (VarE 'GHC.Show.show) (valF f d ) :: Exp
lstF d = return $ ListE (map (anmFs3 d) fnms) :: Q Exp -- UPDATE ends
instance Show2 $(conT nm) where
-- UPDATED based on a given hint:
show2 d = intercalate ", " $(lstF 'd)
-- show2 d = $(anmFs2 (head fnms) 'd) -- compiles and works, but only head here
-- show2 d = intercalate ", " (map (\n -> show ( n d ) ) $(nmFs) ) -- compiles, [Int, Double] is a problem
-- UPDATE ends
-- show2 d = intercalate ", " (map (\n -> show ( $(varE n) d) ) fnms ) -- stage error
-- show2 d = intercalate ", " (map ( $(showName d) ) fnms ) -- showName in brackets in other module -> stage error
-- show2 d = intercalate ", " (map ( $(showGo1 d) ) fnms ) -- showName in brackets in other module -> stage error
-- wishing to use, after data decl D1, like
-- $(tpl2 ''D1 ['f1, 'f3])
main = do
let d = D1 1 "hmm" 2.0
-- putStrLn $ show2 d
putStrLn $ "hmm"
那么,问题是当用户想要告诉字段时如何编写show2? (是使用低级设施的唯一选择吗?)
-- ghci:
-- pure []; $(tpl1 ''D1)
-- <interactive>:12:1-7: Splicing declarations pure [] ======>
-- <interactive>:12:12-20: Splicing declarations
-- tpl1 ''D1
-- ======>
-- instance Show2 D1 where
-- show2 d1_a5yR
-- = ("1: " ++ ((show (f1 d1_a5yR))
-- ++ (" and 2: " ++ (show (f3 d1_a5yR)))))
-- and
-- $(tpl1 ''D1 >>= stringE . show)
-- gives a representation mimickable with combinators.
-- [InstanceD Nothing [] (AppT (ConT Main.Show2) (ConT Main.D1))
-- [FunD
-- Main.show2
-- [Clause [VarP d1_6989586621679033595]
-- (NormalB (InfixE (Just (LitE (StringL \"1: \"))) (VarE GHC.Base.++)
-- (Just (InfixE (Just (AppE (VarE GHC.Show.show)
-- (AppE (VarE Main.f1) (VarE d1_6989586621679033595)))) (VarE
-- GHC.Base.++) (Just (InfixE (Just (LitE (StringL \" and 2: \"))) (VarE
-- GHC.Base.++) (Just (AppE (VarE GHC.Show.show) (AppE (VarE Main.f3) (VarE
-- d1_6989586621679033595)))))))
-- ))
-- )
-- []
-- ]
-- ]
-- ]