
时间:2017-02-05 14:56:32

标签: ios audio avplayer

我正在使用AVPlayer播放来自远程网址的mp3文件。 我对mp3的初始加载时间有一些问题,它非常慢(大约5-8秒) 我将它与其他第三方玩家进行了比较,速度要慢得多,我也将它与Android播放器进行了比较,而且速度也慢得多 所以问题不在于网址本身,也不在于网络连接..


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

AVPlayer有一些新功能(适用于iOS 10+),您可以尝试一下。我自己用它,一切都运转正常。

 @method        playImmediatelyAtRate:
 @abstract      Immediately plays the available media data at the specified rate.
 When the player's currentItem has a value of NO for playbackBufferEmpty, this method causes the value of rate to change to the specified rate, the value of timeControlStatus to change to AVPlayerTimeControlStatusPlaying, and the receiver to play the available media immediately, whether or not prior buffering of media data is sufficient to ensure smooth playback.
 If insufficient media data is buffered for playback to start (e.g. if the current item has a value of YES for playbackBufferEmpty), the receiver will act as if the buffer became empty during playback, except that no AVPlayerItemPlaybackStalledNotification will be posted.
- (void)playImmediatelyAtRate:(float)rate NS_AVAILABLE(10_12, 10_0);


     @property      reasonForWaitingToPlay
     @abstract      Indicates the reason for waiting when the value of timeControlStatus is AVPlayerTimeControlStatusWaitingToPlayAtSpecifiedRate
        When the value of timeControlStatus is AVPlayerTimeControlStatusWaitingToPlayAtSpecifiedRate, this property describes why the player is currently waiting. It is nil otherwise.
        You can use the value of reasonForWaitingToPlay to show UI indicating the player's waiting state conditionally.
        This property is key value observable.
        Possible values are AVPlayerWaitingWithNoItemToPlayReason, AVPlayerWaitingWhileEvaluatingBufferingRateReason, and AVPlayerWaitingToMinimizeStallsReason.

    @property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSString *reasonForWaitingToPlay NS_AVAILABLE(10_12, 10_0);

答案 1 :(得分:0)

对于iOS 10.x或更高版本,为了减少缓慢的加载时间,我设置了: avplayer.automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling = false;  这似乎为我解决了。这可能会带来其他后果,但我还没有实现这些目标。

我有以下想法: AVPlayer stops playing video after buffering

答案 2 :(得分:-1)




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