
时间:2017-02-05 13:09:35

标签: scala generics


object App {
  abstract class BaseAction
  type ApiAction[T <: BaseAction] = (T) => Unit

  case class FirstAction(name: String) extends BaseAction
  case class SecondAction(surname: String) extends BaseAction

  def action1[Z <: BaseAction] = {  
    (a: Z) => { // Here i'would like to have a: FirstAction
      val z = a.asInstanceOf[FirstAction]
      println("Running action: " + z.name )

 def action2[Z <: BaseAction] = {
  (a: Z) => { // Here i'would like to have a: SecondAction
  val z = a.asInstanceOf[SecondAction]
  println("Running action " + z.surname )

  def myActions[T <: BaseAction] = Map[String, ApiAction[T]]("a1" -> action1[T], "a2" -> action2[T])

  myActions("a1")(FirstAction("Action 1"))
  myActions("a2")(SecondAction("Action 2"))

我有很少的动作功能,它们做了不同的事情。 每个动作函数都接收一个参数:action class,其中所有动作类都继承自BaseAction抽象类。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


我会尽力给你更好的&#34; (根据大多数斯卡拉人)写同样的事情的方式。这些更改包括使用来自类型边界的信息以及自定义类型ApiAction来编写更可预测和有组织的代码。


  abstract class BaseAction

  type ApiAction[T <: BaseAction] = (T) => Unit

  case class FirstAction(name: String) extends BaseAction
  case class SecondAction(surname: String) extends BaseAction


object MyActions {

  val action1: ApiAction[FirstAction] = {
    case FirstAction(name) => println("Running action :: " + name)

  val action1Other: ApiAction[FirstAction] = (fa: FirstAction) => {
    println("Running action :: " + fa.name)

  val action2: ApiAction[SecondAction] = {
    case SecondAction(surname) => println("Running action :: " + surname)

  val action2Other: ApiAction[SecondAction] = (sa: SecondAction) => {
    println("Running action :: " + sa.surname)

  // but lets say you wanted a generic ApiAction
  val actionGeneric: ApiAction[BaseAction] = {
    case FirstAction(name) => println("Running action :: " + name)
    case SecondAction(surname) => println("Running action :: " + surname)



object MyApp extends App {

  MyActions.action1(FirstAction("Action 1"))

  MyActions.action1Other(FirstAction("Action 1 Other"))

  MyActions.actionGeneric(FirstAction("Action 1 Generic"))

  MyActions.action2(SecondAction("Action 2"))

  MyActions.action2Other(SecondAction("Action 2 Other"))

  MyActions.actionGeneric(SecondAction("Action 2 Generic"))

答案 1 :(得分:0)


val z = a match {
  case FirstAction(name) => println("Running action " + name)
  case _ => println("Error")

请注意,模式匹配仍然使用isInstanceof + asInstanceOf,但与直接调用asInstanceOf不同,它被视为良好做法。


def action[Z <: BaseAction] = {
  (a: Z) => a match {
    case FirstAction(name) => println("Running action " + name)
    case SecondAction(surname) => println("Running action " + surname)
    case _ => println("Error")

def myActions[T <: BaseAction] = Map[String, ApiAction[T]]("a1" -> action[T], "a2" -> action[T])

myActions("a1")(FirstAction("Action 1"))
myActions("a2")(SecondAction("Action 2"))

// output:
// Running action Action 1
// Running action Action 2