Tensorflow conv2d结果与cpu vs gpu

时间:2017-02-03 18:54:37

标签: python tensorflow deep-learning cudnn





我们能够使用预制数据复制问题,甚至可以在单个conv2d操作中进行演示。在下面的代码中,一个单一长度的简单conv2d:5步幅:1个过滤器应用于长度为7的张量,产生3次激活。但是,当您在输入上附加1或2个额外值时,即使它们根本不依赖于这些新输入值,第2次和第3次激活的值也会更改。使用tf.mul和reduce_sum ops手动复制结果,产生与带有额外值的输入相同的结果,表明它是正确的结果。这仅在ops在cpu上执行时才会被观察到,但是,无论输入的长度是7,8还是9,它们都会将它们分配给gpu而不会产生相同的值。这是在cpu上执行conv时的预期?有没有办法解释转换输出中的方差,例如。是否因为用于小输入的算法而发生?以上所有内容均指使用VALID填充的conv2d。


# Consider a length-T tensor x0 where T>=5.  Create another tensor
# x1 by adding an element onto the end of x0.  If you convolve both
# x0 and x1 with a length-5 filter with VALID padding, you'd expect
# the first (T-4) elements of the resulting tensors to have the
# exact same value because the calculation is being done on the
# same set of numbers.  It turns out you can get discrepancies
# though on the order of e^-5 if the convolution is done on the CPU.

#device = '/gpu:0'
device = '/cpu:0'

T = 7  # >=5

def expand_4d(f, n):
    f = tf.expand_dims(f, n[0])
    f = tf.expand_dims(f, n[1])
    f = tf.expand_dims(f, n[2])
    return f

# Convolution Filter and Bias
cnv = tf.cast([-0.7313, -1.1043, 1.8492, 1.3007, -0.1033], tf.float32)
cnv = expand_4d(cnv, [0, -1, -1])
bias = tf.constant([0.0401], tf.float32)

# Input
x0 = 10.0 * tf.cast(tf.range(T), tf.float32)
x1 = 10.0 * tf.cast(tf.range(T+1), tf.float32)
x2 = 10.0 * tf.cast(tf.range(T+2), tf.float32)
x0 = expand_4d(x0, [0, 0, -1])
x1 = expand_4d(x1, [0, 0, -1])
x2 = expand_4d(x2, [0, 0, -1])

# Run Convolution
def my_conv(x):
    with tf.device(device):
        return tf.nn.bias_add(tf.nn.conv2d(x, cnv, strides=[1,1,1,1], padding='VALID'), bias)

y0 = my_conv(x0)
y1 = my_conv(x1)
y2 = my_conv(x2)
n = T - 4   # length of y0

sess = tf.Session()
y0_, y1_, y2_ = sess.run([y0, y1, y2])
print('T =', T)
print('device =', device)
print('y0 = convolution with length-T tensor x0')
print('y1 = convolution with length-(T+1) tensor x1')
print('y2 = convolution with length-(T+2) tensor x2')
# Compare the first n elements of each tensor (should all be equal)
print('y0 - y1[0:%s]' % n)
print(y0_[0][0] - y1_[0][0][0:n])
print('y1[0:%s] - y2[0:%s]' % (n, n))
print(y1_[0][0][0:n] - y2_[0][0][0:n])


T = 7
device = /cpu:0
y0 = convolution with length-T tensor x0
[[[[ 60.87010574]
   [ 72.98010254]
   [ 85.09010315]]]]
y1 = convolution with length-(T+1) tensor x1
[[[[ 60.87010574]
   [ 72.98009491]
   [ 85.09008789]
   [ 97.20009613]]]]
y2 = convolution with length-(T+2) tensor x2
[[[[  60.87010574]
   [  72.98009491]
   [  85.09008789]
   [  97.20009613]
   [ 109.31010437]]]]
y0 - y1[0:3]
[[  0.00000000e+00]
 [  7.62939453e-06]
 [  1.52587891e-05]]
y1[0:3] - y2[0:3]
[[ 0.]
 [ 0.]
 [ 0.]]

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