
时间:2017-02-02 08:16:32

标签: excel vba excel-vba excel-formula


男士黑色 Pindot 紧身燕尾服裤子


Mens Gold Look Bug Lapel Pin

男士黑色 Pin 后背领结

问题是: 我想过滤“Pin”字样。这意味着过滤后的结果应该只提供我提到的最后两行,而不是包含“Pinkdot”和“Pink”的行


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

尝试下面的代码(使用RegEx对象查找" Pin")的完全匹配。

RegEx模式为.Pattern = "\bPin\b"


Option Explicit

Sub FindPinOnly()

Dim C As Range
Dim RegEx As Object, Match As Object

Set RegEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With RegEx
    .MultiLine = False
    .Global = True
    .IgnoreCase = True
    .Pattern = "\bPin\b"  ' Match exactly "Pin" without extra letters
End With

For Each C In Range("A1:J10000") '<-- loop through all cells in Range
    Set Match = RegEx.Execute(C.Value)

    If Match.Count >= 1 Then
        C.Interior.ColorIndex = 46 '<-- in my tests I just colored the cells in Red
    End If
Next C

End Sub


修改1 :允许RegEx使用多个单词,并仅将特定单词的字体用红色(而不是enitre单元格)

Option Explicit

Sub TestRegex()
' This sub is to test the RegEx with multile words (from an array)

Dim StrArr, Elem As Variant

' add words below to array (can add words to array using a Range of cells)
StrArr = Array("Belt", "Shoes", "Sunglass", "Pin")

For Each Elem In StrArr '<-- loop through all elements in array and use RegEx sub to find them in the Range
    Call FindWordOnly(Elem)
Next Elem

End Sub


Sub FindWordOnly(str As Variant)

Dim C As Range
Dim RegEx As Object, Match As Object

Set RegEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With RegEx
    .MultiLine = False
    .Global = True
    .IgnoreCase = True
    .Pattern = "\b" & str & "\b"  ' Match exactly "Pin" without extra letters
End With

For Each C In Range("A1:J10000") '<-- loop through all cells in Range
    Set Match = RegEx.Execute(C.Value)

    If Match.Count >= 1 Then
        ' === only modify the "found" text inside the cell to Red ===
         Dim StartChar As Long

         StartChar = InStr(1, C.Value, str)
         C.Characters(Start:=StartChar, Length:=Len(str)).Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)    
    End If   
Next C

End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:2)


如果您在A1中有字符串,则可以将其放在B1中并向下拖动。 (您可以将其放在K1或其他任何内容中,如果这更容易)

=OR(OR(LEFT(A1,4)="Pin ",RIGHT(A1,3)="pin"),NOT(ISERROR(SEARCH(" pin ",A1))))


  1. 检查是否可以在开头找到pin(后面有空格),或者在字符串末尾可以找到pin
  2. 检查是否可以在字符串中间的某处找到pin(两边都有空格)。
  3. 在这两种情况下都返回true,否则返回false。
  4. 显然,此时您只需过滤True值。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

您可以使用AutoFilter。 使用 条件,您可以说您希望所有 Pin 在Word之后有空格或空格。所以你可以得到所有 Pin 字。


ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Tabelle1").Range.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1 _
        :="=** Pink**", Operator:=xlOr, Criteria2:="=**Pink **"

答案 3 :(得分:0)



contains         ▼  |Pin | '(this contains a single space after the word)
  ○ And   ◙ Or
ends with        ▼  |Pin|  '(without the single space)
