
时间:2017-02-01 23:37:25

标签: ios swift swift2 dji-sdk


//  DJIBaseViewController.swift

import UIKit
import DJISDK

protocol DJIProductObjectProtocol {
    func fetchAircraft() -> DJIAircraft?
    func fetchCamera() -> DJICamera?
    func fetchGimbal() -> DJIGimbal?
    func fetchFlightController() -> DJIFlightController?
    func fetchRemoteController() -> DJIRemoteController?
    func fetchBattery() -> DJIBattery?
    func fetchAirLink() -> DJIAirLink?
    func fetchHandheldController() -> DJIHandheldController?

class ConnectedProductManager: DJIProductObjectProtocol {
    static let sharedInstance = ConnectedProductManager()

    var connectedProduct:DJIBaseProduct? = nil

    func fetchAircraft() -> DJIAircraft? {
        if (self.connectedProduct == nil) {
            return nil
        if (self.connectedProduct is DJIAircraft) {
            return (self.connectedProduct as! DJIAircraft)
        return nil

    func fetchCamera() -> DJICamera? {
        if (self.connectedProduct == nil) {
            return nil
        if (self.connectedProduct is DJIAircraft) {
            return (self.connectedProduct as! DJIAircraft).camera
        else if (self.connectedProduct is DJIHandheld) {
            return (self.connectedProduct as! DJIHandheld).camera

        return nil

    func fetchGimbal() -> DJIGimbal? {
        if (self.connectedProduct == nil) {
            return nil
        if (self.connectedProduct is DJIAircraft) {
            return (self.connectedProduct as! DJIAircraft).gimbal
        else if (self.connectedProduct is DJIHandheld) {
            return (self.connectedProduct as! DJIHandheld).gimbal

        return nil

    func fetchFlightController() -> DJIFlightController? {
        if (self.connectedProduct == nil) {
            return nil
        if (self.connectedProduct is DJIAircraft) {
            return (self.connectedProduct as! DJIAircraft).flightController
        return nil

    func fetchRemoteController() -> DJIRemoteController? {
        if (self.connectedProduct == nil) {
            return nil
        if (self.connectedProduct is DJIAircraft) {
            return (self.connectedProduct as! DJIAircraft).remoteController
        return nil

    func fetchBattery() -> DJIBattery? {
        if (self.connectedProduct == nil) {
            return nil
        if (self.connectedProduct is DJIAircraft) {
            return (self.connectedProduct as! DJIAircraft).battery
        else if (self.connectedProduct is DJIHandheld) {
            return (self.connectedProduct as! DJIHandheld).battery

        return nil

    func fetchAirLink() -> DJIAirLink? {
        if (self.connectedProduct == nil) {
            return nil
        if (self.connectedProduct is DJIAircraft) {
            return (self.connectedProduct as! DJIAircraft).airLink
        else if (self.connectedProduct is DJIHandheld) {
            return (self.connectedProduct as! DJIHandheld).airLink

        return nil

    func fetchHandheldController() -> DJIHandheldController? {
        if (self.connectedProduct == nil) {
            return nil
        if (self.connectedProduct is DJIHandheld) {
            return (self.connectedProduct as! DJIHandheld).handheldController
        return nil

    func setDelegate(delegate:DJIBaseProductDelegate?) {
        self.connectedProduct?.delegate = delegate


class DJIBaseViewController: UIViewController, DJIBaseProductDelegate, DJIProductObjectProtocol {

    //var connectedProduct:DJIBaseProduct?=nil
    var moduleTitle:String?=nil

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        if (moduleTitle != nil) {
            self.title = moduleTitle

        // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

    override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {

        if (ConnectedProductManager.sharedInstance.connectedProduct != nil) {

    override func viewWillDisappear(
        animated: Bool) {
        if (ConnectedProductManager.sharedInstance.connectedProduct != nil &&
            ConnectedProductManager.sharedInstance.connectedProduct?.delegate === self) {

    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

    func product(product: DJIBaseProduct, connectivityChanged isConnected: Bool) {
        if isConnected {
            NSLog("\(product.model) connected. ")
            ConnectedProductManager.sharedInstance.connectedProduct = product

        else {
            NSLog("Product disconnected. ")
            ConnectedProductManager.sharedInstance.connectedProduct = nil

    func componentWithKey(withKey key: String, changedFrom oldComponent: DJIBaseComponent?, to newComponent: DJIBaseComponent?) {
        //     (newComponent as? DJICamera)?.delegate = self
        if ((newComponent is DJICamera) == true && (self is DJICameraDelegate) == true) {
            (newComponent as! DJICamera).delegate = self as? DJICameraDelegate

        if ((newComponent is DJICamera) == true && (self is DJIPlaybackDelegate) == true) {
            (newComponent as! DJICamera).playbackManager?.delegate = self as? DJIPlaybackDelegate

        if ((newComponent is DJIFlightController) == true && (self is DJIFlightControllerDelegate) == true) {
            (newComponent as! DJIFlightController).delegate = self as? DJIFlightControllerDelegate

        if ((newComponent is DJIBattery) == true && (self is DJIBatteryDelegate) == true) {
            (newComponent as! DJIBattery).delegate = self as? DJIBatteryDelegate

        if ((newComponent is DJIGimbal) == true && (self is DJIGimbalDelegate) == true) {
            (newComponent as! DJIGimbal).delegate = self as? DJIGimbalDelegate

        if ((newComponent is DJIRemoteController) == true && (self is DJIRemoteControllerDelegate) == true) {
            (newComponent as! DJIRemoteController).delegate = self as? DJIRemoteControllerDelegate


    func showAlertResult(info:String) {
        // create the alert
        var message:String? = info

        if info.hasSuffix(":nil") {
            message = info.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(":nil", withString: " success")

        let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Message", message: "\(message ?? "")", preferredStyle: .Alert)
        // add an action (button)
        alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .Default, handler: nil))
        // show the alert
        self.presentViewController(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

    func fetchAircraft() -> DJIAircraft?{
        return ConnectedProductManager.sharedInstance.fetchAircraft()

    func fetchCamera() -> DJICamera? {
        return ConnectedProductManager.sharedInstance.fetchCamera()

    func fetchGimbal() -> DJIGimbal? {
        return ConnectedProductManager.sharedInstance.fetchGimbal()

    func fetchFlightController() -> DJIFlightController? {
        return ConnectedProductManager.sharedInstance.fetchFlightController()

    func fetchRemoteController() -> DJIRemoteController? {
        return ConnectedProductManager.sharedInstance.fetchRemoteController()

    func fetchBattery() -> DJIBattery? {
        return ConnectedProductManager.sharedInstance.fetchBattery()
    func fetchAirLink() -> DJIAirLink? {
        return ConnectedProductManager.sharedInstance.fetchAirLink()
    func fetchHandheldController() -> DJIHandheldController?{
        return ConnectedProductManager.sharedInstance.fetchHandheldController()


//  MenuViewController.swift
import UIKit
import DJISDK

let enterDebugMode=true

class MenuViewController: DJIBaseViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var aircraft: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var productID: UILabel!
              // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
    @IBOutlet weak var appConectivity: UILabel!

        var connectedProduct:DJIBaseProduct?=nil
        var componentDictionary = Dictionary<String, Array<DJIBaseComponent>>()

        let APP_KEY = "*******"//Please enter App Key Here
        override func viewDidLoad() {

            let air = self.fetchAircraft()

            if air == nil{
                aircraft.text?="no aircraft connected"

            guard !APP_KEY.isEmpty else {
                showAlert("Please enter your app key.")
            DJISDKManager.registerApp(APP_KEY, withDelegate: self)

            if DJISDKManager.product() == nil{
                productID.text?="Drone Not Connected"
                productID.text? = "Drone Connected"

        func initUI() {
            self.title = "DJI iOS SDK Sample"
            //sdkVersionLabel.text = "DJI SDK Version: \(DJISDKManager.getSDKVersion())"
            //openComponents.isEnabled = false;
            //bluetoothConnectorButton.isEnabled = true;
            //productModel.isHidden = true
            //productFirmwarePackageVersion.isHidden = true
            //debugModeLabel.isHidden = !enterDebugMode
    func showAlert(msg: String?) {
        // create the alert
        let alert = UIAlertController(title: "", message: msg, preferredStyle: .Alert)
        // add the actions (buttons)
        alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .Default, handler: nil))
        // show the alert
        self.presentViewController(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

    // MARK: - Navigation

    // In a storyboard-based application, you will often want to do a little preparation before navigation
    override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
        // Get the new view controller using segue.destinationViewController.
        // Pass the selected object to the new view controller.
extension MenuViewController: DJISDKManagerDelegate{

        func sdkManagerDidRegisterAppWithError(error: NSError?) {

            guard error == nil  else {
                appConectivity.text?="app isn't registering properly"


            if enterDebugMode {



        func sdkManagerProductDidChange(From oldProduct: DJIBaseProduct?, To newProduct: DJIBaseProduct?) {

            print("entered changed product")
            if oldProduct==nil{
                print("old product is nill")
            if newProduct==nil{
                print("new product is nill")

            guard let newProduct = newProduct else
                appConectivity.text? = "Status: No Product Connected"

                ConnectedProductManager.sharedInstance.connectedProduct = nil
                //logDebug("Product Disconnected")

            //Updates the product's model
            productID.text = "Model: \((newProduct.model)!)"
            productID.hidden = false

            if let oldProduct = oldProduct {
                print("Product changed from: \(oldProduct.model) to \((newProduct.model)!)")
            //Updates the product's firmware version - COMING SOON

            //Updates the product's connection status
            //appConectivity.text = "Status: Product Connected"

            ConnectedProductManager.sharedInstance.connectedProduct = newProduct
            productID.text?="product connected"
            //openComponents.isEnabled = true;
            //openComponents.alpha = 1.0;
            //logDebug("Product Connected")

    override func product(product: DJIBaseProduct, connectivityChanged isConnected: Bool) {

            if isConnected {
                print("Status: Product Connected")
                //appConectivity.text?="Drone Recognized"
            } else {
                print("Status: No Product Connected")
                //appConectivity.text="Atleast Its trying"





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func sdkManagerProductDidChange(from oldProduct: DJIBaseProduct?, to newProduct: DJIBaseProduct?)


func sdkManagerProductDidChangeFrom(oldProduct: DJIBaseProduct?, to newProduct: DJIBaseProduct?)


