attribute1 == value1 and (attribute2 >= 3 or attribute3 != value3)
attribute1 == value1
我重复使用了Paul McGuire已经提供的一些示例,所以我的代码看起来像这样:
import pyparsing
def process_results(result):
for key in result.keys():
print(key + ":" + str(result[key]))
if key == 'complex_filter':
def parse_filter(filter_string):
# break these up so we can represent higher precedence for 'and' over 'or'
not_operator = pyparsing.oneOf(['not','^'], caseless=True).setResultsName("operator")
and_operator = pyparsing.oneOf(['and','&'], caseless=True).setResultsName("operator")
or_operator = pyparsing.oneOf(['or' ,'|'], caseless=True).setResultsName("operator")
# db_keyword is okay, but you might just want to use a general 'identifier' expression,
# you won't have to keep updating as you add other terms to your query language
ident = pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.alphas+'_'+'-', pyparsing.alphanums+'_'+'-')
# comparison operators
comparison_operator = pyparsing.oneOf(['==','!=','>','>=','<', '<='])
# instead of generic 'value', define specific value types
integer = pyparsing.Regex(r'[+-]?\d+').setParseAction(lambda t:int(t[0]))
float_ = pyparsing.Regex(r'[+-]?\d+\.\d*').setParseAction(lambda t:float(t[0]))
# use pyparsing's QuotedString class for this, it gives you quote escaping, and
# automatically strips quotes from the parsed text
quote = pyparsing.QuotedString('"')
# when you are doing boolean expressions, it's always handy to add TRUE and FALSE literals
literal_true = pyparsing.Keyword('true', caseless=True)
literal_false = pyparsing.Keyword('false', caseless=True)
boolean_literal = literal_true | literal_false
# in future, you can expand comparison_operand to be its own operatorPrecedence
# term, so that you can do things like "nucleon != 1+2" - but this is fine for now
comparison_operand = quote | ident | float_ | integer
comparison_expr = pyparsing.Group((quote | ident) + comparison_operator + comparison_operand).setResultsName("unit_filter", listAllMatches=True )
grammar = pyparsing.infixNotation(comparison_expr,
(not_operator, 1, pyparsing.opAssoc.RIGHT),
(and_operator, 2, pyparsing.opAssoc.LEFT),
(or_operator, 2, pyparsing.opAssoc.LEFT),
res = grammar.parseString(filter_string, parseAll=True)
return res
res = parse_filter('attribute1 == value1 and (attribute2 >= 3 or attribute3 != value3)')
complex_filter:[['attribute1', '==', 'value1'], 'and', [['attribute2', '>=', 3], 'or', ['attribute3', '!=', 'value3']]]
unit_filter:[['attribute1', '==', 'value1']]
complex_filter:[['attribute1', '==', 'value1'], 'and', [['attribute2', '>=', 3], 'or', ['attribute3', '!=', 'value3']]]
unit_filter:[['attribute1', '==', 'value1']]
complex_filter: [['attribute2', '>=', 3], 'or', ['attribute3', '!=', 'value3']]
unit_filter:[['attribute2', '>=', 3]]
unit_filter:[['attribute3', '!=', 'value3']]