import math
class Point (object):
# constructor
def __init__ (self, x = 0, y = 0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
# get distance
def dist (self, other):
return math.hypot (self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y)
# get a string representation of a Point object
def __str__ (self):
return '(' + str(self.x) + ", " + str(self.y) + ")"
# test for equality
def __eq__ (self, other):
tol = 1.0e-16
return ((abs (self.x - other.x) < tol) and (abs(self.y - other.y) < tol))
class Circle (object):
# constructor
def __init__ (self, radius = 1, x = 0, y = 0):
self.radius = radius
self.center = Point (x, y)
# compute cirumference
def circumference (self):
return 2.0 * math.pi * self.radius
# compute area
def area (self):
return math.pi * self.radius * self.radius
# determine if point is strictly inside circle
def point_inside (self, p):
return (self.center.dist(p) < self.radius)
# determine if a circle is strictly inside this circle
def circle_inside (self, c):
distance = self.center.dist (c.center)
return (distance + c.radius) < self.radius
# determine if a circle c intersects this circle (non-zero area of overlap)
def does_intersect (self, c):
# string representation of a circle
def __str__ (self):
# test for equality of radius
def __eq__ (self, other):
tol = 1.0e-16
class Rectangle (object):
# constructor
def __init__ (self, ul_x = 0, ul_y = 1, lr_x = 1, lr_y = 0):
if ((ul_x < lr_x) and (ul_y > lr_y)):
self.ul = Point (ul_x, ul_y)
self.lr = Point (lr_x, lr_y)
self.ul = Point (0, 1)
self.lr = Point (1, 0)
# determine length of Rectangle
def length (self):
# determine width of Rectangle
def width (self):
# determine the perimeter
def perimeter (self):
# determine the area
def area (self):
# determine if a point is strictly inside the Rectangle
def point_inside (self, p)
# determine if another Rectangle is inside this Rectangle
def rectangle_inside (self, r):
# determine if two Rectangles overlap
def does_intersect (self, other):
# determine the smallest rectangle that circumscribes a circle
def rect_circumscribe (self, c):
# give string representation of a rectangle
def __str__ (self):
# determine if two rectangles have the same length and width
def __eq__ (self, other):
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class Rectangle (object):
# constructor
def __init__ (self, ul_x = 0, ul_y = 1, lr_x = 1, lr_y = 0):
# Called if you say: my_rectancle = Rectangle (-10, 10, 10, -10)
# Puts parameters in fields of your newly created object of class Rectancle
self.ul_x = ul_x
self.ul_y = ul_y
self.lr_x = lr_x
self.lr_y = lr_y
# compute cirumference
def circumference (self):
return 2 * (self.ur_x - self.lr_x) + 2 * (self.ul_y - self.lr_y)
# compute area
def area (self):
return (self.ur_x - self.lr_x) * (self.ul_y - self.lr_y)
# determine length of Rectangle
def length (self):
return self.ul_y - self.lr_y
# determine width of Rectangle
def width (self):
return self.lr_x - self.ul_x
# self. has been added, since e.g. lr_x is not a parameter
# of the width function, but a field of the object you make
# by instantiation: 'rectangle = Rectangle (10, 20, 100, 200)'
# After that, self refers to the object 'rectangle' you created,
# which has class 'Rectangle'.
# Note that a class is a type.
# You can have a type 'Dog'.
# Dog 'fluffy' is an instance of that class, so a particular dog.
# In the methods (functions) of 'Dog', 'self' refers to the particular
# dog you're working with.
# determine the perimeter
def perimeter (self):
return 2 * self.width () + 2 * self.length ()
# Note the () after width and length.
# They're needed because width and length are
# function calls (they DO something) rather than fields (data)
# You could also have stored width and length into fields,
# just like the constructor did with ul_x, ul_y, lr_x and lr_y,
# storing them in self.ul_x, self.ul_y etc.
# Then the braces wouldn't have been needed.
# But also out some superfluous braces here
# Multiplication goes before addition anyhow
# And return returns everything after it, no braces needed.
# determine the area
def area (self):
return self.width () * self.length ()