由于& language参数,ESAPI验证URL失败

时间:2017-02-01 10:10:28

标签: validation url esapi

我正在尝试使用ESAPI验证来验证网址,但由于 hello How are you ,我的验证失败了。如果我删除语言参数,则验证成功。请检查我的网址格式,让我知道为什么这种模式失败。


Reg Expression

String url="http://google.com:000/menu.jsp?userid=test&age=22&language=hindi";

ESAPI.validator().getValidInput("URL", url,"URL",100000,false);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这是设计的。这里发生的是您的输入被ESAPI的规范化方法捕获,该方法检测到URI包含BOTH URI编码和HTML实体编码。



     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean isValidURI(String context, String input, boolean allowNull) {
        boolean isValid = false;
        URI compliantURI = this.getRfcCompliantURI(input);

            if(null != compliantURI){
                String canonicalizedURI = getCanonicalizedURI(compliantURI);
                //if getCanonicalizedURI doesn't throw an IntrusionException, then the URI contains no mixed or 
                //double-encoding attacks.  
                logger.info(Logger.SECURITY_SUCCESS, "We did not detect any mixed or multiple encoding in the uri:[" + input + "]");
                Validator v = ESAPI.validator();
                //This part will use the regex from validation.properties.  This regex should be super-simple, and 
                //used mainly to restrict certain parts of a URL.  
                Pattern p = ESAPI.securityConfiguration().getValidationPattern( "URL" );
                //We're doing this instead of using the normal validator API, because it will canonicalize the input again
                //and if the URI has any queries that also happen to match HTML entities, like ¶
                //it will cease conforming to the regex we now specify for a URL.
                isValid = p.matcher(canonicalizedURI).matches();

        }catch (IntrusionException e){
            logger.error(Logger.SECURITY_FAILURE, e.getMessage());
            isValid = false;

        return isValid;

     * This does alot.  This will extract each piece of a URI according to parse zone, and it will construct 
     * a canonicalized String representing a version of the URI that is safe to run regex against to it. 
     * @param dirtyUri
     * @return
     * @throws IntrusionException
    public String getCanonicalizedURI(URI dirtyUri) throws IntrusionException{

//      From RFC-3986 section 3     
//        URI         = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
//                hier-part   = "//" authority path-abempty
//                            / path-absolute
//                            / path-rootless
//                            / path-empty

//         The following are two example URIs and their component parts:
//               foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose
//               \_/   \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
//                |           |            |            |        |
//             scheme     authority       path        query   fragment
//                |   _____________________|__
//               / \ /                        \
//               urn:example:animal:ferret:nose
        Map<UriSegment, String> parseMap = new EnumMap<UriSegment, String>(UriSegment.class);
        parseMap.put(UriSegment.SCHEME, dirtyUri.getScheme());
        //authority   = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ]
        parseMap.put(UriSegment.AUTHORITY, dirtyUri.getRawAuthority());
        parseMap.put(UriSegment.SCHEMSPECIFICPART, dirtyUri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart());
        parseMap.put(UriSegment.HOST, dirtyUri.getHost());
        //if port is undefined, it will return -1
        Integer port = new Integer(dirtyUri.getPort());
        parseMap.put(UriSegment.PORT, port == -1 ? "": port.toString());
        parseMap.put(UriSegment.PATH, dirtyUri.getRawPath());
        parseMap.put(UriSegment.QUERY, dirtyUri.getRawQuery());
        parseMap.put(UriSegment.FRAGMENT, dirtyUri.getRawFragment());

        //Now we canonicalize each part and build our string.  
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        //Replace all the items in the map with canonicalized versions.

        Set<UriSegment> set = parseMap.keySet();

        SecurityConfiguration sg = ESAPI.securityConfiguration();
//      boolean restrictMixed = sg.getBooleanProp("AllowMixedEncoding");
//      boolean restrictMultiple = sg.getBooleanProp("AllowMultipleEncoding");
        boolean allowMixed = sg.getAllowMixedEncoding();
        boolean allowMultiple = sg.getAllowMultipleEncoding();
        for(UriSegment seg: set){
            String value = encoder.canonicalize(parseMap.get(seg), allowMultiple, allowMixed);
            value = value == null ? "" : value;
            //In the case of a uri query, we need to break up and canonicalize the internal parts of the query.
            if(seg == UriSegment.QUERY && null != parseMap.get(seg)){
                StringBuilder qBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                try {
                    Map<String, List<String>> canonicalizedMap = this.splitQuery(dirtyUri);
                    Set<Entry<String, List<String>>> query = canonicalizedMap.entrySet();
                    Iterator<Entry<String, List<String>>> i = query.iterator();
                        Entry<String, List<String>> e = i.next(); 
                        String key = (String) e.getKey();
                        String qVal = "";
                        List<String> list = (List<String>) e.getValue();
                            qVal = list.get(0);

                    value = qBuilder.toString();
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                    logger.debug(Logger.EVENT_FAILURE, "decoding error when parsing [" + dirtyUri.toString() + "]");
            //Check if the port is -1, if it is, omit it from the output.
            if(seg == UriSegment.PORT){
                if("-1" == parseMap.get(seg)){
                    value = "";
            parseMap.put(seg, value );

        return buildUrl(parseMap);

     * The meat of this method was taken from StackOverflow:  http://stackoverflow.com/a/13592567/557153
     * It has been modified to return a canonicalized key and value pairing.  
     * @param java URI
     * @return a map of canonicalized query parameters.  
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
        public Map<String, List<String>> splitQuery(URI uri) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
          final Map<String, List<String>> query_pairs = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>();
          final String[] pairs = uri.getQuery().split("&");
          for (String pair : pairs) {
            final int idx = pair.indexOf("=");
            final String key = idx > 0 ? encoder.canonicalize(pair.substring(0, idx)) : pair;
            if (!query_pairs.containsKey(key)) {
              query_pairs.put(key, new LinkedList<String>());
            final String value = idx > 0 && pair.length() > idx + 1 ? URLDecoder.decode(pair.substring(idx + 1), "UTF-8") : null;
          return query_pairs;

        public enum UriSegment {


