通过网络同步Word BuildingBlocks但具有脱机支持

时间:2017-01-31 11:44:38

标签: vba templates ms-office word-vba

我在VBA中为Word 2013构建了一个自定义BuildingBlock管理系统,使用户可以更方便地对BuildingBlocks进行分类,过滤和使用。



Local and network files


问题: 我无法覆盖正在使用的文件 - 因为工作文件引用了.dotm块存储文件,它会在后台打开。暂时取消模板也不起作用:我尝试使用

ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate = ""


所以这是我的问题: 你知道这样做的方法吗?有没有最佳做法?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



@echo off
:: Batch file for updating the local libraries [referenced as library and cat files in the following]
:: Parameters: 
::  %1 - caller file path
::  %2 - update scenario
::  %3 - local tool dir path
::  %4 - library file name
::  %5 - cat file name
::  %6 - network library dir path
::  %7 - tooldata folder name

SET n=0
SET f=0

IF "%~1"=="" (
  echo No arguments passed.
  Goto NoArguments

:: Build local and remote paths to the libraries
SET LocalLib=%~3%~4
SET LocalCat=%~3%~5
SET NetworkLib=%~6%~4
SET NetworkCat=%~6%~5

:: Wait for a maximum of 16 sec until the local library gets released.
:: If its still in use afterwards, abort the copy actions.

SET /A n=n+1
IF %n% EQU 10 (
  Goto FileNotClosed
) ELSE (
  2>nul (
    >>%LocalLib% echo off
  ) && (SET f=1)
  IF %f% EQU 0 (
    Ping -n 2 -w 1 | find /V "Ping" > nul
    Goto Loop
  ) ELSE (
     Goto StartCopy

:: Calling document is closed so it should be save to copy the network libraries to the local destination
xcopy %NetworkLib% %LocalLib% /y /q
xcopy %NetworkCat% %LocalCat% /y /q

:: Finally write results of the actions to a xargs.txt file
@echo scenario=%~2>"%~3%~7\xargs.txt"
IF %f% EQU 0 ((@echo success=0)>>"%~3%~7\xargs.txt") ELSE ((@echo success=1)>>"%~3%~7\xargs.txt")

:: Reopen the caller file



例如,创建新构建块现在可以按如下方式工作:用户在工作文件对话框中输入所有必要信息。完成后,数据将保存在临时文件中,updater.bat将启动并关闭工作文件。更新程序复制最新文件并重新启动工作文件,该文件从besaid .txt文件读取更新结果,完成创建,将本地文件重新上载到网络并清理混乱。