尝试在Windows 8.1中安装Devkit时出现以下错误
C:\1\Devkit\DevKit-mingw64-64-4.7.2-20130224-1432-sfx>ruby dk.rb init
[INFO] found RubyInstaller v2.3.1 at C:/Ruby23
[INFO] found RubyInstaller v2.3.3 at C:/Ruby23-x64
初始化完成!请查看并修改自动生成的内容 'config.yml'文件,以确保它包含所有的根目录 您想要通过DevKit增强安装的Rubies。
# This configuration file contains the absolute path locations of all
# installed Rubies to be enhanced to work with the DevKit. This config
# file is generated by the 'ruby dk.rb init' step and may be modified
# before running the 'ruby dk.rb install' step. To include any installed
# Rubies that were not automagically discovered, simply add a line below
# the triple hyphens with the absolute path to the Ruby root directory.
# Example:
# ---
# - C:/ruby19trunk
# - C:/ruby192dev
- C:/Ruby22-x64
- C:/Ruby23