
时间:2017-01-29 04:55:57

标签: c runtime-error coredump floating-point-exceptions


5! =(2 ^ 3)(3 ^ 1)(5 ^ 1)



#include <stdio.h> //headers
#include <stdbool.h>

//function prototypes - I will be using functions inside of each other 

int find_prime_count (int prime, int num); 
int find_next_prime (int prime); 
bool is_prime (int num);

int main(void) //main function 
    int primeCount[100] = {0}, prime = 2, fact, i = 2, temp = 2, currentPrimeCount, printCount = 0;  

    printf ("Enter number: "); 
    scanf ("%d", &fact);

    while (i <= fact)
        printf ("i is less than factorial");
        while (temp != 1)
            printf ("Temp is not equal to one");
            currentPrimeCount = find_prime_count (prime, temp); 
            printf ("currentPrimeCount calculated");
            temp = temp / (currentPrimeCount * prime);
            printf ("Temp updated");
            primeCount[prime + 1] += currentPrimeCount; 
            printf ("primeCount[prime + 1] updated");
            prime = find_next_prime (prime); 
            printf ("Next prime found");

        i += 1; 
        temp = i; 

    printf ("%3d! =  ", fact); 
    i = 0; 
    while (i < 100)
        if (primeCount[i] != 0)
            if (printCount == 0)
                printf ("(%d^%d)", i, primeCount[i]); 

            else if (printCount != 0)
                printf (" * (%d^%d)", i, primeCount[i]); 

            printCount += 1; 

            if ((printCount % 9) == 0)
                printf ("/n");

            if ((printCount > 9) && ((printCount % 9) == 0))
                printf ("       ");



    return 0;

bool is_prime (int num)
    bool check = true; //sets check variable to true
    int i = 2; //starts counter variable at 2 (will test all numbers >=2 && <num)

    while (i < num && check == true)
        if ((num % i) == 0) //if it is divisible by any number other than 1 and itself
            check = false; //it is not a prime number and the check becomes false

        i += 1; //increasing counter 

    return check; //returns boolean value

int find_next_prime (int prime)
    int i = prime; 
    bool check = false; 
    printf ("find_next_prime starts.");

    while (check == false)
        i += 1;
        check = is_prime (i); 

    printf ("find_next_prime ends.");

    return i; 

int find_prime_count (int prime, int num)
    int count = 0; 
    printf ("find_prime_count starts.");

        while ((prime % num) == 0)
            count += 1; 
            num = num / prime; 

    printf ("find_prime_count ends.");

    return count; 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

使用gdb,我可以在prim % num中判断它是零除错误。


  1. 使用-g标志
  2. 进行编译
  3. 使用gdb
  4. 运行
  5. 设置断点...