#include <stdio.h>
int Storage_array[5];
int current_prime, next_prime, factorial, prime_count, prime_number, num, factorial_current, factorial_next_num, current_number, total_number; //various variables used in program
int find_prime_count(int factorial, int prime_number); //3 functions declared below main()
int find_next_prime(int factorial, int current_prime);
int is_prime(int num);
int a, b, c; //utility varbles
if((a=scanf("%d", &c)) == EOF) //checks to see if file is empty
return 0;
for(b=0; b<c; b++)
if((a=scanf("%d", &c)) == EOF) //checks to see if reached end of the file
scanf("%d", &Storage_array[b]); //paces values from file into the storage array
printf("%d! = ", Storage_array[b]); //formatting the output
if(c=0) //creating a base case
current_prime = 2;
current_prime = next_prime; //updates the current prime after the base case
next_prime = find_next_prime(Storage_array[b], current_prime); //performes the outside functions that fine the next prime number within the factorial
prime_count = find_prime_count(Storage_array[b], current_prime); //performs outside function that finds the number of the current prime within the factorial
printf("(%d^%d)",current_prime ,next_prime); //prints the results in proper format
printf("\n"); //spaces between factorial numbers
int is_prime(int num) //function that determines if the input number is a prime number or not
for(a=2; a<num; a++) //base case knowing lowest prime is 2
if (num % a == 0) //determines if the number is a prime number using remainder when divided by various numbers
return a; //returns the number if it is prime
int find_prime_count (int factorial, int prime_number)
for(a=0;a<factorial;a++)//tests all possible prime numbers under the input factorial
if(a=0) //base case for lowest possible prime in factorial
factorial_current = 1;
factorial_next_num = 1;
factorial_current = (a*factorial_next_num);
if(factorial_current % prime_number == 0) //determines if the prime number fits into current factorial number
current_number = (factorial_current/prime_number); //finds number of times prime number fits in
total_number = (total_number + current_number); //adds total amount of times that prime has fit within the factorial
return total_number;
int find_next_prime (int factorial, int current_prime) //function that determines the next prime within the factorial
for(a=current_prime;a<factorial;a++) //checks all possible primes within the factorial
if (factorial % current_prime == 0) //determines if the number is a prime number using remainder when divided by various numbers
return a; //returns the number if it is next prime