
时间:2017-01-28 23:19:13

标签: javascript jquery html


<td class="first">100</td>
<h4 class=curs style="display:none">10</h4>
    document.body.onload = function(){
         var firstTdVal = document.getElementsByClassName('first')[0].innerHTML;
       var secondTdVal = document.getElementsByClassName('curs')[0].innerHTML;
       var valueToBeShown = parseInt(firstTdVal)/ parseInt(secondTdVal);
       document.getElementsByClassName('first')[0].innerHTML = valueToBeShown ;

如你所见&#34; .first&#34;有一个数字,这个数字被分为&#34; .curs&#34;结果显示在&#34; .first&#34;现在问题是,例如,我再添加100个td&#39;。第二,。第三......,。百&#34;在表格中。如何使脚本为所有td做同样的事情,就像它对#34; .first&#34;(转到&#34; .curs&#34;)。我该怎么做这在我的JS中保持复杂。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

使用document.querySelectorAll获取匹配元素数组(与CSS选择器匹配),然后使用forEach循环遍历它们,一次应用逻辑1 td。像这样:

// querySelector gets the first element matched. textContent get the text of that element
var cursValue = parseInt(document.querySelector(".curs").textContent);

// querySelectorAll get an array of all the matched elements
var tds = document.querySelectorAll("td");
// loop through that array one td at a time
    // get the text of the current td
    var value = parseInt(td.textContent);

    // if the value is not valid (a string for example) return and don't process anymore for this td (go straight to the next one).
    if(isNaN(value)) return;

    // calculate the new value
    value = value / cursValue;
    // change the text of this td (update it to the new value)
    td.textContent = value;

注意: querySelectorquerySelectorAll使用CSS selectors匹配元素,因此要使用类匹配元素,选择器应为".className",使用ID匹配它:"#someID",...接受所有CSS选择器(即使是这一个:"#anID>li.some-class a:not([href])")。

注意2: tds是一个数组,因此如果您不想使用forEach,则可以使用正常的for循环({ {1}})。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


var table = document.getElementById("myTable");
for (var row of table.rows) {
    for (var col of row.cells) {
        console.log(col.className, col.innerHTML); //Class names and the values of the elements.


答案 2 :(得分:0)


var trs = document.getElementsByTagName('tr');
for (var i = 0; i< trs.length; i++) {
  var tds = trs[i].getElementsByTagName('td'),
      first = tds[0].textContent,
      second = tds[1].textContent,
      third = tds[2],
      result = (parseInt(first) / parseInt(second));
  third.innerHTML = result;