#pragma omp parallel for private (n, i, j) schedule(dynamic)
for(n = 0; n < frames_read; n++){
for (i = 0; i < atoms_total; i++)
for(j = 0; j < atoms_total; j++)
if (timestep_array[i][n].atom_id == timestep_array[j][m].atom_id)
// calculates the vector magnitude and stores it in the created array MSD
double temp1_x = timestep_array[i][n].normalized_x_position + timestep_array[i][n].x_box;
double temp2_x = timestep_array[j][n+1].normalized_x_position + timestep_array[j][n+1].x_box;
double temp3_x = temp2_x - temp1_x;
double temp4_x = temp3_x * box_bound_x;
double temp5_x = pow(temp4_x, 2);
double temp1_y = timestep_array[i][n].normalized_y_position + timestep_array[i][n].y_box;
double temp2_y = timestep_array[j][n+1].normalized_y_position + timestep_array[j][n+1].y_box;
double temp3_y = temp2_y - temp1_y;
double temp4_y = temp3_y * box_bound_y;
double temp5_y = pow(temp4_y, 2);
double temp1_z = timestep_array[i][n].normalized_z_position + timestep_array[i][n].z_box;
double temp2_z = timestep_array[j][n+1].normalized_z_position + timestep_array[j][n+1].z_box;
double temp3_z = temp2_z - temp1_z;
double temp4_z = temp3_z * box_bound_z;
double temp5_z = pow(temp4_z, 2);
double temp = temp5_x + temp5_y + temp5_z;
double temp2 = sqrt(temp);
int atom_number = timestep_array[i][n].atom_id;
MSD[atom_number][n].msd = sqrt(temp2);
MSD[atom_number][n].atom_type = timestep_array[i][n].atom_type;
MSD[atom_number][n].time_in_picoseconds = timestep_array[i][n].timestep / picoseconds;