我正在研究我的第一个K-State项目及其基础课程,但我的编程有点生疏,而且还没有使用Java。在第二部分中,我们计算了为一个lan派对订购了多少个比萨饼,并假设有一些常数,例如每个披萨多少片(20)以及每个人将吃多少片(2),而现在我正试图拥有它围绕一个双倍计算所需的比萨饼数量。我无法让它正常工作,我知道我做错了什么我不知道是什么。因此,如果有18人参加,18 * 2 = 36.我们需要2个比萨,因为每个人有20个切片。所以我想要做的数学是(18 * 2)/ 20所以你会得到1.8,我希望这个数字被舍入到2,这样我就可以存储它并用它来显示和计算多少个切片遗留下来。
Tristan Stevens / Thursday 6:00pm / Khan
Calculates user's overall grade percentage and how many pizzas to order/slices leftover
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class Proj1
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
String input = "";
final double Total = 290;
double Grade = 0.0;
double Points = 0.0;
System.out.print("Enter in Project score #1 (0-30): ");
input = s.nextLine();
Points = Points + Double.parseDouble(input);
System.out.print("Enter in Project score #2 (0-30): ");
input = s.nextLine();
Points = Points + Double.parseDouble(input);
System.out.print("Enter in Project score #3 (0-30): ");
input = s.nextLine();
Points = Points + Double.parseDouble(input);
System.out.print("Enter the midterm exam score (0-100): ");
input = s.nextLine();
Points = Points + Double.parseDouble(input);
System.out.print("Enter the final exam score: (0-100): ");
input = s.nextLine();
Points = Points + Double.parseDouble(input);
Grade = (Points / Total) * 100;
String output = String.format("Overall grade percentage: %.2f", Grade);
System.out.println(output + "%");
int People = 0;
final int slicesPeople = 2;
final int slicesPizza = 20;
System.out.print("What is the number of people expected at the pizza party? ");
input = s.nextLine();
People = Integer.parseInt(input);
double Pizzas = 0.0;
Pizzas = Math.ceil((slicesPeople * slicesPizza) / slicesPizza);
int slicesLeft = 0;
System.out.format("For %d people, that would be %d pizza(s) with each having %d slices each." , People, Pizzas, slicesPeople);
System.out.format("There would be %d slice(s) leftover.", ((slicesPizza * Pizzas) - (People * slicesPeople)));