第一次编码和困惑 - 回声

时间:2017-01-27 00:16:38

标签: json node.js echo amazon


尝试保持超级基础我试图通过阅读本文来构建Amazon Echo的基本内容 - https://developer.amazon.com/blogs/post/Tx3DVGG0K0TPUGQ/updated-alexa-skills-kit-fact-template-step-by-step-guide-to-build-a-fact-skill


下载[done]源,安装节点并更新npm后,即可安装ASK-SDK。将此安装在与您的技能的src / index.js文件相同的目录中。将目录更改为技能的src目录,然后在命令行中键入:npm install --save alexa-sdk

我已将SDK移动到与source - in downloads文件夹相同的文件夹中。我很困惑将目录更改为与我的技能相同。据我所知,目前尚无技巧,所以不确定将其移至何处。

当输入npm install --save alexa-sdk

返回 npm WARN enoent ENOENT:没有这样的文件或目录,打开&Users/OwenLee/package.json' npm WARN OwenLee没有描述 npm WARN OwenLee没有存储库字段。 npm WARN OwenLee没有README数据 npm WARN OwenLee没有许可证字段。



任何帮助都会很棒 - inc。任何关于步骤的建议,你可能会看到我绊倒



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

就目录/Users/OwenLee/而言,这将是Mac上的主文件夹。您可以通过Finder点击侧边栏中的/(或您命名为主硬盘的任何内容)来访问硬盘的根Macintosh HD。如果您打开一个新的终端窗口,它将是终端启动的目录。您应该能够通过获取文件packages.json来解决您的问题,该文件应该是您下载SDK的位置,并放置它在您的主文件夹中,然后重新运行该命令。


如果是一个选项,我建议您使用Mac内置支持的语言。也许从Bash脚本或Apple脚本开始,制作基本脚本来执行您在终端中手动执行的繁琐工作,或者了解C& C等处理器本地语言的基础知识。 C ++通过制作一些基本程序来运行时显示文本,或者要求用户输入内容,然后说出他们输入的内容。最后,因为你在Mac上,你可以在应用程序商店免费获得Xcode,它将配置自己,你可以玩它来了解macOS如何处理窗口,也许首先制作一个带有几个按钮的基本程序窗口点击时会有不同的事情。


如果您对C ++更感兴趣,那么这是我以前学习编写它的网站,并了解母语是如何工作的:http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/

最后,这是一个名为“Hello World”的基本C ++程序,它有点像C / C ++学生的初级仪式,可以编写这个程序并了解它的每个部分是如何工作的:

//HelloWorld.cpp the double slash tells the compiler and user that everything after it on this line is a comment, not code//

#include <iostream> //The octothorp '#' lets the compiler know it needs to use the library named inside the pointed brackets '</>' when it builds the programme. 'iostream' stands for In-Out Stream, and handles basic text, and basic processor commands//

using namespace std; //This line tells the compiler that any line that says to show text or ask the user to type something should use regular text and not a special format//

int main() //'int' stands for integer, any time you make a variable that contains only an integer you should put this in front of it's name, and 'main' is the name of the integer. The empty parentheses tells the compiler that this is a function, rather than a number//

{ //The open curly bracket '{' tells the compiler where the function starts

cout<<"Hello World"; //'cout' stands for 'character out' and is for showing basic text in the terminal window. The double pointy 'out' brackets '<<' tells the compiler that the text should be sent out of the programme rather than loaded into a variable, the text inside the quotes is what will be shown on the screen, and the semi colon tells the compiler where the command ends, it has to be put at the end of any command that is inside of a function//

return 0 //The command 'return' is for telling the compiler whether or not an error has occurred, 0 means the programme ran fine, 1 means something went wrong, either way the programme closes when it runs the command 'return'//

} //the closed curly bracket tells the compiler where the function ends//
