
时间:2017-01-26 08:59:28

标签: ios swift3 bmp

我在我的iOS应用程序(Swift 3)和仅支持BMP格式的应用程序(在MS Windows上)之间同步BMP图像。

在MS Windows应用程序上创建的BMP图像将作为base64字符串下载,保存为Data,并使用以下代码行轻松显示:

let imageData = Data(base64Encoded: value)
let image = UIImage(data: imageData)




但是当我将它作为base64字符串发送时,问题是那些MS Windows应用程序无法显示它(格式不受支持,只有BMP图像)。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我需要做同样的事情-从iOS获取UIImage并将其保存到可用的Windows .bmp文件中。我实际上是在Adafruit PyPortal IoT设备(而不是Windows机器)上使用它的,但是下面的技术效果很好。将数据保存到Firebase Storage并能够在PyPortal中使用。

我在这里找到了一个有用的扩展名: Convert UIImage to NSData and convert back to UIImage in Swift?


extension UIImage {

    func toJpegData (compressionQuality: CGFloat, hasAlpha: Bool = true, orientation: Int = 6) -> Data? {
        guard cgImage != nil else { return nil }
        let options: NSDictionary =     [
            kCGImagePropertyOrientation: orientation,
            kCGImagePropertyHasAlpha: hasAlpha,
            kCGImageDestinationLossyCompressionQuality: compressionQuality
        return toData(options: options, type: .jpeg)

    func toData (options: NSDictionary, type: ImageType) -> Data? {
        guard cgImage != nil else { return nil }
        return toData(options: options, type: type.value)

    // about properties: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/imageio/1464962-cgimagedestinationaddimage
    func toData (options: NSDictionary, type: CFString) -> Data? {
        guard let cgImage = cgImage else { return nil }
        return autoreleasepool { () -> Data? in
            let data = NSMutableData()
            guard let imageDestination = CGImageDestinationCreateWithData(data as CFMutableData, type, 1, nil) else { return nil }
            CGImageDestinationAddImage(imageDestination, cgImage, options)
            return data as Data

    // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/mobilecoreservices/uttype/uti_image_content_types
    enum ImageType {
        case image // abstract image data
        case jpeg                       // JPEG image
        case jpeg2000                   // JPEG-2000 image
        case tiff                       // TIFF image
        case pict                       // Quickdraw PICT format
        case gif                        // GIF image
        case png                        // PNG image
        case quickTimeImage             // QuickTime image format (OSType 'qtif')
        case appleICNS                  // Apple icon data
        case bmp                        // Windows bitmap
        case ico                        // Windows icon data
        case rawImage                   // base type for raw image data (.raw)
        case scalableVectorGraphics     // SVG image
        case livePhoto                  // Live Photo

        var value: CFString {
            switch self {
            case .image: return kUTTypeImage
            case .jpeg: return kUTTypeJPEG
            case .jpeg2000: return kUTTypeJPEG2000
            case .tiff: return kUTTypeTIFF
            case .pict: return kUTTypePICT
            case .gif: return kUTTypeGIF
            case .png: return kUTTypePNG
            case .quickTimeImage: return kUTTypeQuickTimeImage
            case .appleICNS: return kUTTypeAppleICNS
            case .bmp: return kUTTypeBMP
            case .ico: return kUTTypeICO
            case .rawImage: return kUTTypeRawImage
            case .scalableVectorGraphics: return kUTTypeScalableVectorGraphics
            case .livePhoto: return kUTTypeLivePhoto



let options: NSDictionary =     [:]
let convertToBmp = self.backgroundImage.toData(options: options, type: .bmp)
guard let bmpData = convertToBmp else {
    print(" ERROR: could not convert image to a bitmap bmpData var.")
