# Open File to be modified
tree = ET.parse('MAV_Case1.xml')
root = tree
datesArray = []
# Parser to convert date from ISOFormat to Date Object
# This allows us to manipulate the date range.
def getDateTimeFromISO8601String(i):
d = dateutil.parser.parse(i)
return d
#This gathers all the transDates in the XMl
def oldDate(xmlFile):
transactions = tree.iter('transaction')
for transaction in transactions:
transDate = transaction.find('transDate').text
transactionDate = getDateTimeFromISO8601String(transDate)
newArray = datesArray
#dateArray = list(newArray)
return newArray
#This Function converts the old dates into new ones
def newDate(newArray):
newDateArray = []
for date in newArray:
youngest_date = max(newArray)
todayDate = datetime.now()
dateDiff = abs((todayDate - youngest_date).days)
newDate = date + dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(days=dateDiff)
date = str(newDate.isoformat())
return newDateArray
#Function Carries Updated Dates
def updateXML(newDateArray):
for transDate in root.iter('transDate'):
updatedDate = transDate.text
for date in newDateArray:
updatedDate = date
transDate.text = updatedDate
return transDate
#Writing Back to File
now = datetime.now()
actual_time = str(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"))
tree.write("Dag Account - " + str(actual_time) + ".xml", xml_declaration=True)