我想解决的问题如下:我得到 N 矩形纸条,宽度为1厘米,长度为 C 。我需要在切割条的面积总和等于 A 的高度处切割条带。您可以看到一个示例,其中 N = 5,条带长度为5,3,6,2和3厘米, A = 3厘米,其中切割为在4厘米处制作。
输入如下。每种情况下的第一行以两个整数开始 N (1≤ N ≤10^ 5)和 A (1≤ A ≤10^ 9)分别表示条带数量和预期结果区域。下一行包含N个整数,表示每个条带的长度C_i(1 <= C_i <= 10 ^ 4)。 输入以 A = C = 0结尾,不应处理。
对于每个测试用例,输出一条线,必须进行切割的高度 H ,以使切割条的面积总和等于 A cm²。打印4位小数的答案。如果不需要切割则输出“:D”,如果不可能则输出“-.-”。
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main(){
vector<int> v; // Vector that holds paper heights
int n; // Number of papers
double h, // Height of the cut
sum, // Area sum
min_n, // Minimum height for cut to happen
max_n, // Maximum height for cut to happen
a; // Desired final area
// Set desired output
cout << fixed << setprecision(4);
/* Get number of papers and desired area,
terminates if N = A = 0
while(cin >> n >> a && (n||a)){
v.resize(n); // Resize vector to fit all papers
// Get all paper sizes
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
cin >> v[i];
/* Sort the vector in decreasing order to
simplify the search
max_n = v[0]; // Largest possible cut is at the height of the largest paper
min_n = 0; // Smallest possible cut is at the base with height 0
// Iterate until answer is found
// Initialize cut height as the average of smallest and largest cut sizes
h = (min_n + max_n)/2;
/* The area sum is equal to the sum of the areas of each cut, which is
given by the height of the paper minus the cut height. If the cut is
higher than the paper, the cut has area 0.
sum = 0;
// Using mascoj sugenstion, a few changes were added
int s; // Temporary variable to hold number of time h is subtracted
for(int i=0; i<n;i++){
if(v[i] <= h) break; // From here onward cut area is 0 and there is no point adding
sum += v[i]; // Removed the subtraction inside of the for loop
s++; // Count how many paper strips were used
sum -= h*s // Subtracts the area cut from the s paper strips
// If the error is smaller than the significant value, cut height is printed
if(std::abs(sum-a) < 1e-5){
// If no cut is needed print :D else print cut height
(h < 1e-4 ? cout << ":D" << endl : cout << h << endl);
// If max_n is "equal" to min_n and no answer was found, there is no answer
else if(max_n - min_n < 1e-7){
cout << "-.-" << endl;
// Reduces search interval
sum < a ? max_n = h : min_n = h;
return 0;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
可能是你的问题,也许不是:这一行加剧了浮点错误:sum += v[i]-h;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
p.s。:观察#include <map>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
int main()
int n;
int n2;
int v;
int cut;
int a;
std::map<int, std::size_t> mp;
long long int sum;
long long int ts;
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4);
while( (std::cin >> n >> a) && ( n || a ) )
n2 = 0;
sum = 0LL;
for ( auto i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i )
std::cin >> v;
if ( v > 0 )
sum += v;
// mp is a map, so the values are ordered
// ts is "to save"; sum of lenghts minus a
ts = sum - a;
// cut level
cut = 0;
// while we can add a full cm to the cut level
while ( (ts > 0LL) && (n2 > 0) && (ts >= n2) )
ts -= n2;
if ( cut >= mp.cbegin()->first )
n2 -= mp.cbegin()->second;
if ( (ts == 0LL) && (cut == 0) )
std::cout << ":D" << std::endl; // no cut required (?)
else if ( n2 == 0 )
std::cout << "-.-" << std::endl; // impossible (?)
std::cout << (cut + double(ts) / n2) << std::endl;