Sub auto_align()
On Error Resume Next
'Compile the diagram
Call Compiler
'Clear array values
For i = 0 To 99
numberofchildnodes(i) = 0
numberofnodesineachrow(i) = 0
listofnodes(i) = ""
nodeindexarray(i) = 0
parentnodearray(i) = 0
rownumberarray(i) = 0
columnnumberarray(i) = 0
numberofnodesineachrowarray(i) = 0
'Get amount of space that must be given in the diagram between each nodes
rowspac = InputBox("Enter the space between rows, usually 100", "Test Modelling Tool")
colspac = InputBox("Enter the space between adjacent nodes, usually 200", "Test Modelling Tool")
'Find the listof nodes
i = 2
Do While Sheet6.Cells(1, i) <> ""
listofnodes(i - 2) = Sheet6.Cells(1, i)
i = i + 1
'Find the number of nodes
noofnodes = i - 2
orignoofnodes = noofnodes
'Find the begining node
For i = 2 To noofnodes + 1
b = False
E = False
j = 2
Do While Sheet6.Cells(j, 1) <> ""
If Sheet6.Cells(j, i) = "B" Then
b = True
End If
If Sheet6.Cells(j, i) = "E" Then
E = True
End If
j = j + 1
If b = True And E = False Then
strt_node = Sheet6.Cells(1, i)
Exit For
End If
'Initialize values for start node
For i = 0 To noofnodes - 1
If listofnodes(i) = strt_node Then
Exit For
End If
parentnodearray(i) = 0
nodeindexarray(i) = 1
rownumberarray(i) = 1
columnnumberarray(i) = 1
nodeindex = 1
'Call row order algorithm
'Initialize row number and column number
r = 1
cc = 1
dumnod = 1
'Loop until all the nodes has row number updated
'Traverse through all the nodes
For i = 0 To noofnodes - 1
'If row number matches the exiting row number, update the row number for childs
If rownumberarray(i) = r Then
Call roworderalg(listofnodes(i))
End If
'Increment the row
r = r + 1
'reinitialize column number
cc = 1
'Check if row number updated for all the nodes
rowupdatedforallnodes = True
For i = 0 To noofnodes - 1
If rownumberarray(i) = 0 Then
rowupdatedforallnodes = False
End If
'Sort all the array inorder to maintain the order of calling the nodes in each row
Call BubbleSort
Loop While rowupdatedforallnodes = False
'Find the number of rows
r = rownumberarray(0)
For i = 0 To noofnodes - 1
If rownumberarray(i) > r Then
r = rownumberarray(i)
End If
'From last row minus 1 row to 1st row
i = r - 1
For j = 0 To noofnodes - 1
'if a node falls in given row number
If rownumberarray(j) = i Then
'update the column number as sum of child nodes column number divided by number of child nodes
columnnumberarray(j) = findcolumnnumberofparent(j)
End If
i = i - 1
Loop While i <> 0
i = 2
Do While Sheet6.Cells(1, i) <> ""
'Move all the nodes in the diagram according to row and column position which is obtained by multiplying the space factor obtained from the user
x = findnumberofnode(Sheet6.Cells(1, i))
Sheet1.Shapes(Sheet6.Cells(1, i)).Top = rownumberarray(x) * rowspac
Sheet1.Shapes(Sheet6.Cells(1, i)).Left = columnnumberarray(x) * colspac
i = i + 1
'Reroute all the connectors to ensure there is no intersection between connectors
i = 2
Do While Sheet6.Cells(i, 1) <> ""
Sheet1.Shapes(Sheet6.Cells(i, 1)).RerouteConnections
i = i + 1
End Sub