[更新] 这是我使用的当前查询,但它只允许每个起始节点有一个“结束”节点,我想要多个。我需要传入的id(例如)= {eg_id}但是将其限制为1。我宁愿使用以下事实:下面的路径中的每个a都需要匹配中间节点中的名称属性列表,必须在那里才能到达哪个端节点。因此,如果黄色和蓝色是htere然后end1和end2会回来但是如果有黄色,蓝色和紫色那么只有end2会回来。
start td = node({td_id})
match (td:Start)-[:Rel1]->(a)<-[:Rel2]-(eg:End)-[es:Rel3]->(n:WhatsPastEnd)
with collect(a.name) as pnl, n, td, eg, es
where id(eg) = {eg_id}
and all(param_needs in {param_name_list} where param_needs in pnl)
return n
order by es.order
答案 0 :(得分:0)
好的,让我们修改你的查询,并删除endnode id的匹配。
start td = node({td_id})
// unwind your list of names so every row has a name
with td, {param_name_list} as param_names
unwind param_names as param_name
match (td:Start)-[:Rel1]->(a)
where a.name = param_name
// now a has all nodes with the required names
// collect then unwind so we have the full collection for each a
with collect(a) as requiredNodes
unwind requiredNodes as a
match (a)<-[:Rel2]-(eg:End)
where all(node in requiredNodes where (node)<-[:Rel2]-(eg))
with eg
match (eg)-[es:Rel3]->(n:WhatsPastEnd)
return n
order by es.order