
时间:2017-01-24 18:34:23

标签: python search tree pygame artificial-intelligence



我正在使用跳跃点搜索来寻找食物的方法,并且它工作正常,尽管有时候游戏速度会慢下来50fps。 我遇到的主要问题是找到避免死路的方法。如果食物陷入死胡同,我想等待它离开死胡同,但发生的事情是我的蛇,去那里,然后死去。因为我没有避免死胡同,当我的蛇足够大时,它有时会在自己的身体内崩溃。


class AgentStudent(Snake, SearchDomain):
def __init__(self, body=[(0, 0)], direction=(1, 0), name="punkJD"):
    super().__init__(body, direction, name=name)
    self.count = 0;

#given the current state, and the next state, it returns a direction ( (1,0), (-1,0), (0,1), (0,-1) )
def dir(self, state, n_state):
    if state[0] == 0 and n_state[0] == (self.mapsize[0] - 1):
        return left
    elif state[0] == (self.mapsize[0] - 1) and n_state[0] == 0:
        return right
    elif state[1] == 0 and n_state[1] == (self.mapsize[1] - 1):
        return up
    elif state[1] == (self.mapsize[1] - 1) and n_state == 0:
        return down
    return n_state[0] - state[0], n_state[1] - state[1]

#doesn't matter for the question
def update(self, points=None, mapsize=None, count=None, agent_time=None):
    self.mapsize = mapsize
    return None

#given current position and food position, it will create a class that will do the search. Seach code bellow
def search_food(self, pos, foodpos):
    prob = SearchProblem(self, pos, foodpos, self.olddir)
    my_tree = SearchTree(prob, self.mapsize, self.maze)
    #doesn't matter, before i was using A*, but then i changed my whole search class
    my_tree.strategy = 'A*'
    return my_tree.search()

#given the current position and the direction the snake is faced it returns a list of all the possible directions the snake can take. If the current direction is still possible it will be put first in the list to be the first to be considered
def actions(self, pos, dir):
    dirTemp = dir
    invaliddir = [x for (x, y) in self.complement if y == dir]
    validdir = [dir for dir in directions if not (dir in invaliddir)]
    validdir = [dir for dir in validdir if
                not (self.result(pos, dir) in self.maze.obstacles or self.result(pos, dir) in self.maze.playerpos)]
    dirList = [dirTemp] if dirTemp in validdir else []
    if dirList != []:
        for a in range(len(validdir)):
            if validdir[a] != dirTemp:
        return dirList
    return validdir

#given the current position and the current direction, it returns the new position
def result(self, a, b):
    n_pos = a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1]
    if n_pos[0] == -1:
        n_pos = (self.mapsize[0] - 1), a[1] + b[1]
    if n_pos[1] == -1:
        n_pos = a[0] + b[0], (self.mapsize[1] - 1)
    if n_pos[0] == (self.mapsize[0]):
        n_pos = 0, a[1] + b[1]
    if n_pos[1] == (self.mapsize[1]):
        n_pos = a[0] + b[0], 0
    return n_pos

#given the current position and food position it returns the manhattan distance heuristic
def heuristic(self, position, foodpos):
    distancex = min(abs(position[0] - foodpos[0]), self.mapsize[0] - abs(position[0] - foodpos[0]))
    distancey = min(abs(position[1] - foodpos[1]), self.mapsize[1] - abs(position[1] - foodpos[1]))
    return distancex + distancey

#this function is called by the main module of the game, to update the position of the snake
def updateDirection(self, maze):
    # this is the brain of the snake player
    self.olddir = self.direction
    position = self.body[0]
    self.maze = maze
    # new direction can't be up if current direction is down...and so on
    self.complement = [(up, down), (down, up), (right, left), (left, right)]

    self.direction = self.search_food(position, self.maze.foodpos)

Bellow是进行搜索的代码。 我重用了一些类的文件进行树搜索,并将其更改为使用跳转点搜索。对于每个跳跃点,我发现我在树中展开了一个节点。

class SearchDomain:

def __init__(self):

def actions(self, state):

def result(self, state, action):

def cost(self, state, action):

def heuristic(self, state, goal_state):

class SearchProblem:
def __init__(self, domain, initial, goal,dir):
    self.domain = domain
    self.initial = initial
    self.goal = goal
    self.dir = dir
def goal_test(self, state):
    return state == self.goal

# class that defines the nodes in the tree. It has some attributes that are not used due to my old aproach.
class SearchNode:
def __init__(self,state,parent,heuristic,dir,cost=0,depth=0):
    self.state = state
    self.parent = parent
    self.heuristic = heuristic
    self.depth = depth
    self.dir = dir
    self.cost = cost
    if parent!=None:
        self.cost = cost + parent.cost
def __str__(self):
    return "no(" + str(self.state) + "," + str(self.parent) + "," + str(self.heuristic) + ")"
def __repr__(self):
    return str(self)

class SearchTree:

def __init__(self,problem, mapsize, maze, strategy='breadth'): 
    #attributes used to represent the map in a matrix
    #represents obstacle
    self.OBS = -1
    #represents all the positions occupied by both snakes
    self.PPOS = -2
    #represents food position
    self.FOODPOS = -3
    #represents not explored
    self.UNIN = -4
    self.problem = problem
    h = self.problem.domain.heuristic(self.problem.initial,self.problem.goal)
    self.root = SearchNode(problem.initial, None,h,self.problem.dir)
    self.open_nodes = [self.root]
    self.strategy = strategy
    self.blacklist = []
    self.pqueue = FastPriorityQueue()
    self.mapa = maze
    #here i initialize the matrix to represent the map
    self.field = []
    for a in range(mapsize[0]):
        for b in range(mapsize[1]):
    for a,b in maze.obstacles:
        self.field[a][b] = self.OBS
    for a,b in maze.playerpos:
        self.field[a][b] = self.PPOS
    self.field[maze.foodpos[0]][maze.foodpos[1]] = self.FOODPOS
    self.field[self.root.state[0]][self.root.state[1]] = self.UNIN

#function to add a jump point to the priority queue
def queue_jumppoint(self,node):
    if node is not None:
        self.pqueue.add_task(node, self.problem.domain.heuristic(node.state,self.problem.goal)+node.cost)

# given a node it returns the path until the root of the tree
def get_path(self,node):
    if node.parent == None:
        return [node]
    path = self.get_path(node.parent)
    path += [node]

#Not used in this approach
def remove(self,node):
    if node.parent != None:
        a = self.problem.domain.actions(node.parent.state, node.dir)
        if a == []:
    node = None

#Function that searches for the food
def search(self):
    tempNode = self.root
    count = 0
    while not self.pqueue.empty():
        node = self.pqueue.pop_task()
        actions = self.problem.domain.actions(node.state,node.dir)
        if count == 1:
            tempNode = node

        #for every possible direction i call the explore function that finds a jump point in a given direction
        for a in range(len(actions)):
            print (a)
            print (actions[a])
            jumpPoint = self.explore(node,actions[a])
            if jumpPoint != None:
                newnode = SearchNode((jumpPoint[0],jumpPoint[1]),node,self.problem.domain.heuristic(node.state,self.problem.goal),actions[a],jumpPoint[2])
                if newnode.state == self.problem.goal:
                    return self.get_path(newnode)[1].dir

    dirTemp = tempNode.dir
    return dirTemp

#Explores the given direction, starting in the position of the given node, to find a jump point
def explore(self,node,dir):
    pos = node.state

    cost = 0

    while (self.problem.domain.result(node.state,dir)) != node.state:

        pos = self.problem.domain.result(pos, dir)
        cost += 1

        #Marking a position as explored
        if self.field[pos[0]][pos[1]] == self.UNIN or self.field[pos[0]][pos[1]] == self.PPOS:
            self.field[pos[0]][pos[1]] = 20
        elif pos[0] == self.problem.goal[0] and pos[1] == self.problem.goal[1]:  # destination found
            return pos[0],pos[1],cost
            return None

        #if the snake is going up or down
        if dir[0] == 0: 

            #if there is no obstacle/(or body of any snake) at the right but in the previous position there was, then this is a jump point
            if (self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,0))[0]] [pos[1]] != self.OBS and self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,0))[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,-dir[1]))[1]] == self.OBS) or \
            (self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,0))[0]] [pos[1]] != self.PPOS and self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,0))[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,-dir[1]))[1]] == self.PPOS):
                return pos[0], pos[1],cost

            #if there is no obstacle/(or body of any snake) at the left but in the previous position there was, then this is a jump point
            if (self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-1,0))[0]] [pos[1]] != self.OBS and self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-1,0))[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,-dir[1]))[1]] == self.OBS) or \
            (self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-1,0))[0]] [pos[1]] != self.PPOS and self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-1,0))[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,-dir[1]))[1]] == self.PPOS):
                return pos[0], pos[1],cost

        #if the snake is going right or left
        elif dir[1] == 0:

            #if there is no obstacle/(or body of any snake) at the upper part but in the previous position there was, then this is a jump point
            if (self.field [pos[0]][self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,1))[1]] != self.OBS and self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-dir[0],dir[1]))[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,1))[1]] == self.OBS) or \
            (self.field [pos[0]][self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,1))[1]] != self.PPOS and self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-dir[0],dir[1]))[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,1))[1]] == self.PPOS):
                return pos[0], pos[1],cost

            #if there is no obstacle/(or body of any snake) at the down part but in the previous position there was, then this is a jump point
            if (self.field [pos[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-1,-1))[1]] != self.OBS and self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-dir[0],dir[1]))[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-1,-1))[1]] == self.OBS) or \
            (self.field [pos[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-1,-1))[1]] != self.PPOS and self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-dir[0],dir[1]))[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-1,-1))[1]] == self.PPOS):
                return pos[0], pos[1],cost

        #if the food is aligned in some way with the snake head, then this is a jump point
        if (pos[0] == self.mapa.foodpos[0] and node.state[0] != self.mapa.foodpos[0]) or \
        (pos[1] == self.mapa.foodpos[1] and node.state[1] != self.mapa.foodpos[1]):
            return pos[0], pos[1],cost

        #if the food is in front of the head of the snake, right next to it, then this is a jump point
        if self.field[self.problem.domain.result(pos,(dir[0],dir[1]))[0]][self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,dir[1]))[1]] == self.FOODPOS:
            return pos[0], pos[1],cost

        ##if an obstacle is in front of the head of the snake, right next to it, then this is a jump point
        if self.field[self.problem.domain.result(pos,(dir[0],dir[1]))[0]][ self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,dir[1]))[1]] == self.OBS:
            return pos[0], pos[1],cost

    return None

class FastPriorityQueue:

def __init__(self):
    self.pq = []                         # list of entries arranged in a heap
    self.counter = 0                     # unique sequence count

def add_task(self, task, priority=0):
    entry = [priority, self.counter, task]
    heapq.heappush(self.pq, entry)

def pop_task(self):

    while self.pq:

        priority, count, task = heapq.heappop(self.pq)
        return task
    raise KeyError('pop from an empty priority queue')

def empty(self):

    return len(self.pq) == 0

这是我的代码。我将不胜感激任何帮助,以避免死路一条。 我搜索了类似的问题,但找不到任何帮助我。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



  1. 从一个角开始检查每个点并移动到另一个,无论是行还是列,都没关系。一旦到达具有三个或更多正交相邻墙的点,将该点标记为死角,并转到2.
  2. 找到此点旁边的空白方向(如果有),并检查该方向上的每个点。对于每个点:如果它有两个或更多相邻的墙,请将其标记为死角。如果它只有一面墙,请转到3.如果没有墙,请停止朝这个方向检查并继续使用数字1。
  3. 在没有墙的每个方向上,重复2号。
  4. 按照以下步骤操作,直到步骤1检查了网格上的每个图块。
