
时间:2017-01-24 07:50:45

标签: excel vba excel-vba userform

假设我想在Excel VBA中制作自行车设计师程序。我有一个类对象(cBike),它有一些默认设置。现在我想在将自行车存放到数据库之前制作一个可用于更改这些设置的表单(如图中的那个)。用于存储的方法(子)位于cBike

Example of a userform for designing a bicycle.


Public objBike As cBike 
Public Sub StoreBikeToDatabase()   
 'database storing code goes here 
End Sub




更新 我强烈建议您阅读接受的答案,然后再深入了解答案。这两个答案都有一些很棒的想法,而且他们的帖子附加了一些全面的代码示例,可以用于其他类似我的问题。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

表单本身就是一个类,所以我建议在表单中创建一个私有属性来保存你的Bike对象。然后,您可以通过Property Set例程将现有的Bike对象传递给表单/类。


'Private Member of this Form/Class
Private mBike As cBike

'Pass the existing object into this Form/Class
Public Property Let Bike(ByVal obj As cBike)

    Set mBike = obj

End Property


Private WithEvents mTextBox1 As MSForms.TextBox

Public Property Set TextBox1(ByVal obj As MSForms.TextBox)

    Set mTextBox1 = obj

End Property

这意味着如果文本框的值发生变化,则无需继续将其传递给类。您将需要一个Microsoft Forms 2.0对象库的引用集

答案 1 :(得分:3)

另一种方法是让Bike可编辑。 Bike类将包含BikeEditor,它是用于编辑自行车对象的用户表单。这是自行车类型的示例,但其他自行车属性可以以类似的方式完成。对于BikeType,使用了一个包裹TypeOfBikeEnum的类。



Private m_editor As BikeEditor
Private m_bikeType As BikeType

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set m_editor = New BikeEditor
    Set m_bikeType = New BikeType
End Sub

Public Property Get TypeOfBike() As BikeType
    Set TypeOfBike = m_bikeType
End Property

Public Property Set TypeOfBike(ByVal vNewValue As BikeType)
    Set m_bikeType = vNewValue
End Property

Public Sub Edit()
    m_editor.Initialize Me
End Sub


Public Enum TypeOfBikeEnum
    Unknown = 1
    MountainBike = 2
    StreetBike = 3
    OfficeBike = 4
    MoonBike = 5
End Enum

Private m_type As TypeOfBikeEnum

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    m_type = Unknown
End Sub

Public Property Get TypeValue() As TypeOfBikeEnum
    TypeValue = m_type
End Property

Public Property Let TypeValue(ByVal vNewValue As TypeOfBikeEnum)
    m_type = vNewValue
End Property

Public Function GetBikeTypeNames() As VBA.Collection
    Dim enumVal As Long, name As String
    Set GetBikeTypeNames = New VBA.Collection
    For enumVal = TypeOfBikeEnum.[_First] To TypeOfBikeEnum.[_Last]
        name = GetBikeTypeName(enumVal)
        If name <> "" Then _
            GetBikeTypeNames.Add name, CStr(enumVal)
    Next enumVal
End Function

Public Function GetBikeTypeName(typeOfBikeValue As TypeOfBikeEnum) As String
    Select Case typeOfBikeValue
        Case TypeOfBikeEnum.Unknown
            GetBikeTypeName = "Unknown"
        Case TypeOfBikeEnum.MountainBike
            GetBikeTypeName = "MountainBike"
        Case TypeOfBikeEnum.StreetBike
            GetBikeTypeName = "StreetBike"
        Case TypeOfBikeEnum.OfficeBike
            GetBikeTypeName = "OfficeBike"
        Case TypeOfBikeEnum.MoonBike
            GetBikeTypeName = "MoonBike"
        Case Else
            GetBikeTypeName = ""
    End Select
End Function


Private m_bikeToEdit As Bike

Public Sub Initialize(bikeToEdit As Bike)
    Set m_bikeToEdit = bikeToEdit
    Dim bikeTypeName
    For Each bikeTypeName In m_bikeToEdit.TypeOfBike.GetBikeTypeNames
        Me.bikeTypesComboBox.AddItem bikeTypeName
    Me.bikeTypesComboBox.ListIndex = m_bikeToEdit.TypeOfBike.TypeValue - 1
End Sub

Private Sub CancelCommandButton_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub SaveCommandButton_Click()
    If Me.bikeTypesComboBox.ListIndex > -1 Then
        m_bikeToEdit.TypeOfBike.TypeValue = Me.bikeTypesComboBox.ListIndex + 1
    End If
    Unload Me
End Sub


Sub test()
    Dim bk As Bike
    Set bk = New Bike

    Dim bt As BikeType
    Set bt = New BikeType
    bt.TypeValue = OfficeBike

    Set bk.TypeOfBike = bt
End Sub