struct roomInfo{
int rmNm;
char* dscrptn;
int nrth;
int sth;
int est;
int wst;
void getDescription(char* line, int* i,char* tstr){
//puts chars between [$,$] into tstr
//tstr[0] == '0' if error
int cash = 0, j = *i, t = 0;
while (cash < 2 && line[j] != '\0'){
if (line[j] == '$'){
if (cash > 0){
tstr[t] = line[j];
tstr[t] = '\0';
if (tstr[0] == '$' && tstr[t-1] == '$'){
*i = j;
tstr[0] = '0';
void createRoom(struct roomInfo* Room, char* line, char* tstr, int* numList, bool* p){
//try to create a room from information from line
getDescription(line, &i, tstr);
Room->dscrptn = tstr;
void createRooms(struct roomInfo* Rooms, char* tstr, int* numList, char* file){
//Creates an array of elements which contain info of the roooms
//Rooms[i] is the room i
unsigned int i = 0;
for (; i < TOTAL_ROOMS; i++){
struct roomInfo r;
Rooms[i] = r;
FILE* fp = fopen(file,"r");
char line[1000];
char* s;
while (fgets(line,sizeof(line), fp) != NULL){
i = strcspn(line, "\n");
line[i] = '\0';
struct roomInfo room;
createRoom(& room, line, tstr, numList, &p);
Rooms[room.rmNm-1] = room;
int main(){
struct roomInfo R[TOTAL_ROOMS];
char tstr[LINE_LENGTH];
int numbers[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
char dunginp[LINE_LENGTH];
char file[LINE_LENGTH];
createRooms(R, tstr, numbers, file);//somehow check to make sure some room was made
scanf("%s", dunginp);
〔实施例。所以我有一个主要功能,创建和代表房间的100个结构的数组。我将解析一个文件,其中每行包含有关房间的信息。为了解析文件,我调用createRooms()来获取当前迭代的文本行,并尝试通过调用create room来解析它。创建房间调用创建描述。我希望获得描述会将结构的描述副本返回给结构。我删除了主要功能的无关部分