我有一个节点应用程序,当在Visual Studio代码中运行时,调试器会无限地重新启动,我无法确定原因。重启是在应用程序中途发生的。我知道这是因为在进程中创建了一个文件,并且每次重新启动时都会不断创建文件。
修改 首次运行时,调试会话成功并运行整个程序,但随后应用程序的后续运行将不断重新启动。
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible Node.js debug attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Launch Program",
"program": "${workspaceRoot}/app.js",
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}"
require('dotenv').config(); // global params
const _ = require('underscore');
const moment = require('moment');
const path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const csv = require('./services/csv');
const Aria = require('./services/aria');
const Queue = require('./services/queue');
const ApiTask = require('./models/api-task').ApiTask;
process.stdin.resume();//so the program will not close instantly
class ApiTaskEventEmitter extends EventEmitter {}
// const apiTaskEventEmitter = new ApiTaskEventEmitter();
// Read environment variables
let data = {
filename: process.env.CSV_FILENAME,
filepath: path.join(__dirname, 'files', 'input', process.env.CSV_FILENAME),
outputPath: path.join(__dirname, 'files', 'output', `${moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD_HH.mm.ss')}_${process.env.CSV_FILENAME}`),
iterations: process.env.ITERATIONS || 1,
apiName: process.env.API_NAME,
apiType: process.env.API_TYPE,
env: process.env.ENV,
clientNo: process.env.CLIENT_NO,
authKey: process.env.AUTH_KEY,
threads: process.env.THREADS || 30,
printOutputCount: process.env.PRINT_OUTPUT_COUNT || 100,
///// Validate input //////
// Exit if any environment variables are not included
if (_.isUndefined(data.filename) ||
_.isUndefined(data.apiName) ||
_.isUndefined(data.apiType) ||
_.isUndefined(data.env) ||
_.isUndefined(data.clientNo) ||
_.isUndefined(data.authKey)) {
console.error('All required variables were not included in .env - Please review README.md for a list of required variables');
if(!['core', 'object', 'admintools'].includes(data.apiType)) {
console.error(`API_TYPE of ${data.apiType} is invalid. valid values are 'core', 'object','admintools'`);
let confirmText = `Loading the following data:\n`;
confirmText += `Client: ${data.clientNo}\n`;
confirmText += `Auth Key: ${data.authKey}\n`;
confirmText += `Environment: ${data.env}\n`;
confirmText += `Api Type: ${data.apiType}\n`;
confirmText += `Api: ${data.clientNo}\n`;
confirmText += `Threads: ${data.threads}\n`;
confirmText += `Input File: ${data.filename}\n`;
let tasks = [];
let startTime;
let finishTime;
let apiTaskEventEmitter = new ApiTaskEventEmitter();
let isFirst = true;
let allResultsPromises = [];
* Initialize Aria object
let aria = Aria(data.env, data.clientNo, data.authKey);
* Initialize queue and output filestream
let queue = Queue(aria, data.threads, data.printOutputCount);
let writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(data.outputPath, {});
* Initialize Event Handlers
* Each task emits the respond event after being processed
apiTaskEventEmitter.on('response', (apiTask) => {
let includeHeader = isFirst;
let result = csv.objToCsv(apiTask.response, null, includeHeader);
result.then(csvString => {
.catch(err => {
console.error("error writing row ot stream", err);
isFirst = false;
* If there was a fatal error processing a task, write error information
apiTaskEventEmitter.on('error', (err, apiTask) => {
err = err || {};
let writeString = '';
writeString += `${apiTask.csvRowNum},`;
writeString += `${apiTask.startTime},`;
writeString += `${apiTask.finishTime},`;
writeString += `${apiTask.response._duration},`;
writeString += `FATAL ERROR: ${err.name} ${err.message}`;
* Once the .drain method is called from the tasks,
* the finish event is called. Once all response promises are resolved,
* then the file stream is closed
apiTaskEventEmitter.on('finish', () => {
console.log('closing file');
.then(() => {
console.info("Successfully closed file");
.catch(err => {
console.error("Error waiting for all writing to finish");
* Callback function called after all items in queue are processed
queue.drain = function() {
console.info('all items have been processed');
finishTime = moment();
console.info('Finish Time', finishTime.format('hh:mm:ss'));
const duration = finishTime - startTime;
if(duration > 60000) {
console.info('TotalTime', `${moment.duration(duration).asMinutes()} minutes` );
} else {
console.info('TotalTime', `${moment.duration(duration).asSeconds()} seconds` );
* Parse CSV and build task from each row to send to queue for processing
.then(csvObj => {
console.info('Starting data load.... please wait');
startTime = moment();
console.info('Start Time', startTime.format('hh:mm:ss'));
let counter = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < data.iterations; i++) {
let csvRowNum = 1; // resets for each iterations
csvObj.forEach(row => {
tasks.push(new ApiTask({
apiType: data.apiType,
apiName: data.apiName,
csvRowNum: csvRowNum++,
counter: counter++,
iteration: i,
payload: row,
response: {}
}, apiTaskEventEmitter));
queue.push(tasks, (err) => {
.catch(err => {
console.error('Fatal error reading file, exiting', err.message);
//do something when app is closing
process.on('exit', exitHandler.bind(null));
//catches ctrl+c event
process.on('SIGINT', exitHandler.bind(null));
//catches uncaught exceptions
process.on('uncaughtException', exitHandler.bind(null));
function exitHandler(options, err) {
console.log('Existing application');
if(!_.isUndefined(writeStream)) {
try {
writeStream.end(); // attempt to close write stream
} catch (ex) { }
if (err) console.error(err.stack);