CakePHP Auth组件验证问题

时间:2010-11-14 16:46:10

标签: authentication cakephp validation

有一些验证问题,只有在使用Auth组件时才会出现。 我的注册表格中有4个字段:usernamepasswordpassword_confirmemail


var $validationSets=array(
    "register" => array(
        "username" => array(
            "usernameFieldNotEmpty" => array(
                "rule" => "notEmpty",
                "message" => "You did not enter the username!"
            "usernameValid" => array(
                "rule" => "__alphaNumericDashUnderscore",
                "message" => "The username you entered is not valid!"
            "usernameExistsInDatabase" => array(
                "rule" => array("__existingRecord", false), 
                "message" => "The username you entered has been already registered in our database!"
        "password" => array(
            "passwordFieldNotEmpty" => array(
                "rule" => "notEmpty",
                "message" => "You did not enter your password!"
        "password_confirm" => array(
            "passwordConfirmFieldNotEmpty" => array(
                "rule" => "notEmpty",
                "message" => "You did not confirm your password!"
            "passwordsMatch" => array(
                "rule" => array("__fieldMatch", "password"),
                "message" => "The passwords you entered don't match!"
        "email" => array(
            "emailFieldNotEmpty" => array(
                "rule" => "notEmpty",
                "message" => "You did not enter the e-mail!"
            "emailValid" => array(
                "rule" => "email",
                "message" => "The e-mail you entered is not valid!"
            "emailExistsInDatabase" => array(
                "rule" => array("__existingRecord", false), 
                "message" => "The e-mail you entered has been already registered in our database!"
        /*"language" => array(



<?php echo $this->Form->create('User', array('url' => array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'register')));?>
    <legend><?php __('Add User'); ?></legend>
    echo $this->Form->input('username');
    echo $this->Form->input('password', array('type' => 'password', 'value' => ''));//value='' - resets the password input on any error on the page
    echo $this->Form->input('password_confirm', array('type' => 'password', 'value' => ''));
    echo $this->Form->input('email');
<?php echo $this->Form->end(__('Submit', true));?>

现在,每次我提交表单EMPTY时,密码字段虽然为空,但会通过所有验证测试(我尝试将value => ''放在代码中,但它没用)。 此外,电子邮件输入似乎通过了'notEmpty'测试,显示的错误是The email is not valid


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


答案 1 :(得分:0)



答案 2 :(得分:0)

我设法做了几次“黑客攻击”,所以问题现在已经解决了。 不要认为这是最合适的方式,但对于遇到我问题的其他用户来说它可能会派上用场:


if($this->data['User']['password'] == $this->Auth->password('')){
            $this->data['User']['password'] = '';
        if($this->User->validates()){ //post validation login }

第二个问题是电子邮件验证。奇怪的是,我通过更改 Multivalidatable Behavior中规则的顺序来解决此问题。所以,来自:

"email" => array(
        "emailFieldNotEmpty" => array(
            "rule" => "notEmpty",
            "message" => "You did not enter the e-mail!"
        "emailValid" => array(
            "rule" => "email",
            "message" => "The e-mail you entered is not valid!"
        "emailExistsInDatabase" => array(
            "rule" => array("__existingRecord", false), 
            "message" => "The e-mail you entered has been already registered in our database!"


"email" => array(
            "emailExistsInDatabase" => array(
                "rule" => array("__existingRecord", false), 
                "message" => "The e-mail you entered has been already registered in our database!"
            "emailValid" => array(
                "rule" => "email",
                "message" => "The e-mail you entered is not valid!"
            "emailFieldNotEmpty" => array(
                "rule" => "notEmpty",
                "message" => "You did not enter the e-mail!"




修改 在Cake 1.3 Book中找到了“官方”的解释。它说:

By default CakePHP tries to validate a field using all the validation rules declared for it and returns the error message for the last failing rule. But if the key last is set to true for a rule and it fails, then the error message for that rule is returned and further rules are not validated. So if you prefer to show the error message for the first failing rule then set 'last' => true for each rule.
