使用Switch Case替换条件

时间:2017-01-21 15:23:31

标签: switch-statement powershell-v2.0

我想了解有关switch语句以及如何实现它的更多信息。我有以下原始代码来设置页面文件。我想在“Write-Host Windows 2008 edition detected”之后更改if和elseif条件来切换案例。



$OSbuild = [environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build ## Checking the OS version
$Drives = ".\Drives.txt"
$Cdrive = "C: Hard Drive"
$Ddrive = "D: Hard Drive"
$Pdrive = "P: Hard Drive"
$OthDrive1 = "[^DP]: Hard Drive"
$OthDrive2 = "[^CDP]: Hard Drive"

$Disk = Get-WmiObject win32_logicaldisk 

Foreach ($Drive in $Disk) 
    Switch ($Drive.DriveType) 
        1{$Disks = $Drive.DeviceID + " Unknown"; Break} 
        2{$Disks = $Drive.DeviceID + " Floppy or Removable Drive"; Break} 
        3{$Disks = $Drive.DeviceID + " Hard Drive"; Break} 
        4{$Disks = $Drive.DeviceID + " Network Drive"; Break} 
        5{$Disks = $Drive.DeviceID + " CD"; Break} 
        6{$Disks = $Drive.DeviceID + " RAM Disk"; Break} 
    Write $Disks >> $Drives 

if (Get-Content $Drives | ? {$_ -like $Pdrive})
    Proces A

elseif ($OSbuild -eq 6001 -or 7601)
    Write-Host "Windows 2008 edition detected."
    $OSversion = "2008"

    if (Get-Content $Drives | ? {$_ -like $Ddrive}) ## Multiple drives found (with D) in the server
        Process B

    elseif (Get-Content $Drives | ? {$_ -match $OthDrive2}) ## Multiple drives found (without D) in the server
        Process C

    elseif (Get-Content $Drives | ? {$_ -like $Cdrive -notmatch $OthDrive1}) ## Only C drive found in the server
        Process D

        Write "Couldn't find the paging file rule for this server!"

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