VBA UDF使用动态数组查找多列标准匹配

时间:2017-01-21 06:35:35

标签: excel vba excel-vba


以下是我引用的问题: Question& Answer I used


Public Function CRITERIA(ParamArray values() As Variant) As Variant
  CRITERIA = values

End Function


Public Function MULTIMATCHEXISTS(args As Variant, ParamArray colmns() As Variant) As Boolean

Dim argsCount As Long, colmnsCount As Long, cl As Long, a As Long
argsCount = UBound(args) - LBound(args) + 1
colmnsCount = UBound(colmns) - LBound(colmns) + 1

Dim tbl As ListObject 
Dim ws As Worksheet 
Dim lr As ListRow
Dim match_candidate As Variant, arg As Variant

If argsCount <> colmnsCount Then
    Exit Function

    'Get the name of the table from any column provided (this of courses assumes a 1:1 table search) 
    Set tbl = colmns(0).ListObject
    'Get tables worksheet from the table object
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(tbl.Parent.Name)

    'Iterate through columns?
    For cl = LBound(colmns) To UBound(colmns) 

        'Get each value from column
        For each lr In tbl.ListRows

           match_candidate = Intersect(lr.Range, colmns(cl)).value

           'Iterate through arguments?
           For a = LBound(args) To UBound(args)

               If match_candidate = args(a) Then
                  Debug.Print "its a match for " & args(a) & " in column " & colmns(cl)

                   MULTIMATCHEXISTS = True


                   MULTIMATCHEXISTS = False

               End If

            Next a

        Next lr

    Next cl

End If

End Function


 =MULTIMATCHEXISTS(CRITERIA(A2,A3,A4), Table2[Column1], Table2[Column8], Table2[Column5])

基本上我想要的是它验证第一个值=它的相应查询列等等(即args(0)should = colmns(0)value,args(1)should = colmns (1)价值)



enter image description here



         A                B               C           D
1 |    Name    |        Email        |  Phone  |  ISMATCH?  |
2 | Steve Jobs | stevejobs@gmail.com |  123456 |    True    |
3 | Bill Gates | billgates@apple.com |  123456 |    True    |
4 |  Steve Woz | stevewoz@outlook.com|  123456 |    False   |


          J            K         L                M
1 |     Name     |  Company |  Phone  |        Email          |
2 | Steve Jobs   |   Apple  |  123456 | stevejobs@gmail.com   |
3 | Bill Gates   |   Apple  |  123456 | billgates@apple.com   |
4 |Stevie Wonder |   Apple  |  123456 | steviewon@outlook.com  |

我想要的是能够选择要评估的标准,然后在表2中选择相应的列。所以回到表1 D2中它将是这样的:

  =MULTIMATCHEXISTS(CRITERIA([@NAME], [@EMAIL]), Table2[Name], Table2[Email])

但是,对于账单门,我想检查超过这两个标准,所以表1 D3将是:

  =MULTIMATCHEXISTS(CRITERIA([@NAME], [@PHONE], [@EMAIL]), Table2[Name], Table2[Phone], Table2[Email])

对于Steve Woz表1 D4:

  =MULTIMATCHEXISTS([@Name], Table2[Name])


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

试试这个。请注意,没有错误检查 Filter_Data数组是从1开始的,但ParamArray是从零开始的!

Function MULTIMATCHEXISTS(Filter_Data As Variant, ParamArray Values() As Variant) As Variant
    Dim j As Long
    Dim k As Long

    If TypeOf Filter_Data Is Range Then Filter_Data = Filter_Data.Value2

    For j = LBound(Filter_Data) To UBound(Filter_Data)
        For k = LBound(Values) To UBound(Values)
            If Filter_Data(j, k + 1) = Values(k) Then
                ' true if all the columns match
                If k = UBound(Values) Then MULTIMATCHEXISTS = True
                Exit For    ' do not check remaining columns
            End If
        Next k
        ' exit at first row match for all cols
        If MULTIMATCHEXISTS Then Exit For
    Next j

End Function

答案 1 :(得分:1)



Public Function MULTIMATCHEXISTS(args As Variant, ParamArray colmns() As Variant) As Boolean
  Dim argsCount As Long, colmnsCount As Long
  Dim i As Long, lRow As Long
  Dim match_candidate As Variant
  Dim cell As Range

  On Error GoTo Handler
    argsCount = UBound(args) - LBound(args) + 1
    colmnsCount = UBound(colmns) - LBound(colmns) + 1



  'Check if array counts match before even commencing a query, if not throw #value error
  If argsCount = colmnsCount Then

On Error GoTo DoesNotExist:
    'Check if minimum requirements are met
    If argsCount = 1 Then
        'If only 1 argument given find the first match
        lRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.match(args, colmns(0), 0)

        Exit Function
    ElseIf argsCount > 1 Then
        'Get all values from the first column provided in the colmns() array
        'rest of the columns don't matter so we don't need to iterate through them because this is 1:1 Table search function
         For Each cell In colmns(0)

            If UCase(args(1)) = UCase(cell.value) Then
            'Found a match
            'Set the lRow to each cells row number
            'I don't like getting the row number of a ListObject cell by substracting from HeaderRowRange,
            'some people don't use table headers resulting in false returns
            lRow = cell.Row - cell.ListObject.ListRows(1).Range.Row + 1

            For i = 0 To UBound(args)
            'Get all values in each column in colmns() within the same row
              match_candidate = Application.WorksheetFunction.index(colmns(i), lRow, 0)

              'Check if all values match their respective arguments
              If args(i + 1) = match_candidate Then
                If i + 1 = argsCount Then
                'All values match args; exit function
                    MULTIMATCHEXISTS = True
                    Exit Function
                End If
                'Not all values match, go to next cell iteration to check for more cells that match args(1)
                GoTo NextCell
              End If
            Next i
            End If        
        Next cell
    End If
    GoTo Handler
  End If

  ''Handle Err
  If Err.Number = 13 Then
    If Not IsEmpty(args) And Not IsEmpty(colmns(0)) Then
        argsCount = 1
        colmnsCount = 1
        Resume check
    End If
    MsgBox 1/0
  End If

    Exit Function

  End Function


=MULTIMATCHEXISTS(CRITERIA(A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7), Table2[Column2], Table2[Column3], Table2[Column4], Table2[Column5], Table2[Column6], Table2[Column7])


=MULTIMATCHEXISTS(A2, Table2[Column5])



答案 2 :(得分:1)

呼叫示例:= multimatch2(标准(C2,B2,A2),C4:C70,B4:B70,A4:A70)

    Option Compare Text
Function MULTIMATCH2(Criterias As Variant, ParamArray Cols() As Variant) As Variant
    ' return row index for multi-column match
        Dim j As Long
        Dim k As Long
        Dim vColArr() As Variant
        MULTIMATCH2 = 0
        ReDim vColArr(LBound(Cols) To UBound(Cols))
        For k = LBound(Cols) To UBound(Cols)
            If TypeOf Cols(k) Is Range Then
                ' convert column ranges to array of 2-d array values
                vColArr(k) = Cols(k).Value2
            End If
            ' convert criteria to values
            If TypeOf Criterias(k + 1) Is Range Then Criterias(k + 1) = Criterias(k + 1).Value2
        Next k
        For j = LBound(vColArr(0)) To UBound(vColArr(0))
            For k = LBound(Cols) To UBound(Cols)
                ' each element of vColarr contains a 2d array of values
                If vColArr(k)(j, 1) = Criterias(k + 1) Then
                    ' set Row Index if all the columns match
                    If k = UBound(Cols) Then MULTIMATCH2 = j
                    Exit For    ' do not check remaining columns
                End If
            Next k
            ' exit at first row match for all cols
            If MULTIMATCH2 > 0 Then Exit For
        Next j
    End Function
    Public Function CRITERIA(ParamArray values() As Variant) As Variant
        CRITERIA = values
    End Function