
时间:2017-01-20 20:48:03

标签: excel vba excel-vba


在sub中,我使用范围内的For Each单元格为特定条件上方的每个值填充行中的数据,并且应显示符合条件的每个单元格的表单。我可以将我用作行引用的单元格传递给用户表单,以便它可以使用该单元格作为偏移量输入所选的"原因"然后卸载表格?

Private Sub okbutton1_Click(bc As Range)  'bc should be the range from the sub calling this form

Select Case True
Case OptionButton1
    If bc.Offset(0, 3).Value = "A" Then
        Set bc.Offset(0, 6).Value = "Actual amount required is more than plan quantity."
        Set bc.Offset(0, 6).Value = "Actual amount required is less than plan quantity."
    End If
Case OptionButton2
        Set bc.Offset(0, 6).Value = "This items was not constructed/used/required."
Case OptionButton3
        Set bc.Offset(0, 6).Value = "Only a portion of the contingency was required for items not in original plan."
Case OptionButton4
        Set bc.Offset(0, 6).Value = "Deficiency levied against Contractor per IDOT Section 105.03."
Case OptionButton5
        Set bc.Offset(0, 6).Value = "Damages levied against Contractor per IDOT Section 108.09."
Case OptionButton6
        Set bc.Offset(0, 6).Value = InputBox("Please enter your reasoning below.", "Other")
End Select
Unload AuthReason2

End Sub


Line5:  'Populates the BLR13210A from the data entered on the BLR13210

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim bws As Worksheet
    Set bws = Worksheets("BLR 13210A")
Dim Arange As Range
    Set Arange = aws.Range("AZ34:AZ198")
Dim Bcell As Range  ' First cell in AttachA form
    Set Bcell = bws.Range("B11")

For Each ACell In Arange
    If ACell.Value > 1999.99 Then
        Bcell.Value = ACell.Offset(0, -47).Value
        Bcell.Offset(0, 1).Value = ACell.Value
        Bcell.Offset(0, 2).Value = ACell.Offset(0, -37).Value
        Bcell.Offset(0, 3).Value = ACell.Offset(0, -22).Value
    End If
    Bcell = Bcell.Offset(1, 0)

Application.ScreenUpdating = True


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  • 您的主要



    Option Explicit
    Sub main()
        Dim bws As Worksheet
            Set bws = Worksheets("BLR 13210A")
        Dim Bcell As Range  ' First cell in AttachA form
            Set Bcell = bws.Range("B11")
        With UserForm1 '<--| change "UserForm1" to your actual userform name
            .Tag = Bcell.Offset(0, 3).Value '<--| store the value you want to share with Userform in its 'Tag' property
            .Show '<-- show the userform and have it process user inputs
            Bcell.Offset(0, 6).Value = .Tag '<--| retrieve the value that userform has left in its 'Tag' property accordingly to user inputs
        End With
        Unload UserForm1 '<--| change "UserForm1" to your actual userform name
    End Sub

    当然,您会将Bcell.Offset(0, 3).Value更改为适合您需要的范围值

  • 您的用户表单




    Option Explicit
    Private Sub okbutton1_Click()  
        Dim txt As String
        With Me '<--| reference the userform
            Select Case True
                Case .OptionButton1 '<--| with the dot (.) access the referenced object members (in this case its controls)
                    If .Tag = "A" Then '<--| query the value that the calling sub has left in the useform 'Tag' property
                        txt = "Actual amount required is more than plan quantity."
                        txt = "Actual amount required is less than plan quantity."
                    End If
                Case .OptionButton2
                    txt = "This items was not constructed/used/required."
                Case .OptionButton3
                    txt = "Only a portion of the contingency was required for items not in original plan."
                Case .OptionButton4
                    txt = "Deficiency levied against Contractor per IDOT Section 105.03."
                Case .OptionButton5
                    txt = "Damages levied against Contractor per IDOT Section 108.09."
                Case .OptionButton6
                    txt = InputBox("Please enter your reasoning below.", "Other")
                Case Else '<--| you may want to handle the case when the user dosen't select any option
                    txt = "some text" '<--| change it to your needs
            End Select
            .Tag = txt '<--| use 'Tag' property to store the value you want to pass back to the calling sub
            .Hide '<--| hide the userform
        End With
    End Sub