\begin{tikzpicture}[head node/.style = {shape = rectangle,
rounded corners,
fill = blue!50!black,
minimum width = 3cm,
minimum height = 1.5cm,
align = center,
text = white},
blue edge/.style = { ->,
ultra thick,
shorten >= 4pt}]
% the nodes : possible \newcommand*\dx{5} \newcommand*\dy{2}
\node[head node](wish) at (0,0) {\textbf{Wish to attend the conference?}};
\node[head node,above right =4cm of wish](register1) {Register};
\node[head node,below right =4cm of wish, minimum width=8cm](register2) {Register};
\node[head node,right =1cm of register1](abstract) {Submit the Abstract};
\node[head node, right =13cm of wish ](payment) {Payment};
\node[align=center,color=blue!50!black,right =3cm of payment](attend) {\bfseries\Huge ICLAA 2017 \\ {} \\ \Large Welcomes you!! };
\node[right = .1cm of attend] {\includegraphics[scale=.07]{manipal}};
% edges
\draw[blue edge] (wish.east) -- node [pos=0.5,sloped,above,align=center] {Presenting a paper\\ /Poster/Invited Speaker} (register1.west);
\draw[blue edge] (wish.east) -- node [pos=0.5,sloped,above,align=center] {Presenting a paper\\ /Poster/Invited Speaker} (register1.west);
\draw[blue edge] (register1.east) -- node [pos=0.5,sloped,above,align=center] {} (abstract.west);
\draw[blue edge] (wish.east) -- node [pos=0.5,sloped,above,align=center] {Participant only} (register2.west);
\draw[blue edge] (abstract.east) -- node [pos=0.5,sloped,above,align=center] {Participant only} (payment.west);
\draw[blue edge] (register2.east) -- node [pos=0.5,sloped,above,align=center] {Participant only} (payment.west);
\draw[blue edge] (payment.east) -- node [pos=0.5,sloped,above,align=center] { \includegraphics[scale=.1,angle=20]{flight} } (attend.west);
现在我想把这个图像上传为动态图像(我不知道这是正确的用词!!!)在网站上应该有每个链接 必要时标签。