Excel VBA编码问题

时间:2017-01-20 12:15:43

标签: excel-vba vba excel

我需要一些关于如何使用Excel VBA代码解决以下问题的帮助。我有2张桌子。表1内容行数据和表2内容变量行。基本上我需要在这两个表之间执行字符串比较,然后一旦匹配,我需要从表2中获取匹配变量,并在相同行号的匹配字符串下写入表1。有时候表2中可能会有更多的匹配。所以我需要提示一个框来向用户显示匹配变量列表,并要求他们选择使用哪一个作为替换。如果它包含1个变量匹配,我可以直接替换

我能够在这两个表之间进行比较并提取信息 (行号,表1中的数据和表2中的变量)分为3个不同的数组。现在的问题是如何使用这3个不同的数组来操作将变量写入excel数据表。


match1 [1] = 2

matchstr1 [1] = modelSelectionmadeInAmerica

tmpstr1 [1] = ModelSelectionMadeInAmerica

match1 [2] = 3

matchstr1 [2] = configurationType_A

tmpstr1 [2] = ConfigurationType

match1 [3] = 4

matchstr1 [3] = ctrStationpowerSupply_A

tmpstr1 [3] = PowerSupply

match1 [4] = 4

matchstr1 [4] = confPowerSupply_B

tmpstr1 [4] = PowerSupply

match1 [5] = 4

matchstr1 [5] = KitPowerSupplyRequired_C

tmpstr1 [5] = PowerSupply

match1 [6] = 5

matchstr1 [6] = CHSirenAndLightsKeypadPrinting_D

tmpstr1 [6] = CHSirenandLightsKeypadPrinting

match1 [7] = 6

matchstr1 [7] = DREnableDR_E

tmpstr1 [7] = DREnableDR




Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

Dim attr1 As Range, data1 As Range
Dim item1, item2, item3, lastRow, lastRow2
Dim UsrInput, UsrInput2 As Variant
Dim Cnt As Integer, LineCnt As Integer
Dim MatchData(1 To 9000) As String
Dim i As Integer, n As Integer, j As Integer
Dim counter1 As Integer, counter2 As Integer
Dim match1(1 To 500) As Integer
Dim matchstr1(1 To 500) As String
Dim tmpstr1(1 To 500) As String

counter1 = 1
counter2 = 0
j = 0

For i = 1 To 500
    tmpstr1(i) = ""
Next i

For i = 1 To 500
    matchstr1(i) = ""
Next i

For i = 1 To 500
    match1(i) = 0
Next i

For i = 1 To 9000
    MatchData(i) = ""
Next i

UsrInput = InputBox("Enter Atribute Column")
UsrInput2 = InputBox("Enter Column Alphabet to compare")

With ActiveSheet
    lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, UsrInput).End(xlUp).Row
    'MsgBox lastRow
End With

With ActiveSheet
    lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, UsrInput2).End(xlUp).Row
    'MsgBox lastRow
End With

Set attr1 = Range(UsrInput & "2:" & UsrInput & lastRow)
Set data1 = Range(UsrInput2 & "2:" & UsrInput2 & lastRow)

For Each item1 In attr1
    item1.Value = Replace(item1.Value, " ", "")
Next item1

For Each item1 In attr1
     If item1 = "" Then Exit For
     counter1 = counter1 + 1
     item1 = "*" & item1 & "*"

     For Each item2 In data1
           If item2 = "" Then Exit For
           If item2 Like item1 Then
                counter2 = counter2 + 1
                match1(counter2) = counter1
                matchstr1(counter2) = item2.Value
                tmpstr1(counter2) = item1
'                Debug.Print "match1[" & counter2; "] = " & match1(counter2)
'                Debug.Print "matchstr1[" & counter2; "] = " & matchstr1(counter2)
'                Debug.Print "tmpstr1[" & counter2; "] = " & tmpstr1(counter2)

            End If

    Next item2
 Next item1

 ' Need help here how to use the above array to replace the data in table 1 using the var from table 2.

End Sub


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